Two different stlye of gameplay, comparing HL with COd do not make much sense.
I personally think the sp campaing of Hl2 boring as hell, too much driving parts, Ravenholm is annoying, the prison stage is anooying, the beach driving is PAINFUL.. For me Hl1 along with Opposing force and Blue shift are way more fun and intereseting than Hl2 setting.. Black Mesa is cooler than City 17.
And Far Cry (the original from Crytek) has the best single player experience since Hl1. Its better than HL2 and Doom 3 (two direct competitors) and except for the annoying trigens and "throw the monitor trought the window" save system, its a excelenet experience. Jungle/island settings, cool weapons, the cheesy mercenary dialogue and jack carver rants are great and complete the package, that remind us of good'ol action movies from the 80's.I wish we could get more fps games like this.
COD style of single player is too much linear. I can't stand all those scripted scenes, and the history from MW2 and MW1 (so will be MW3) is lame, stupid and dumb. Treyarch do a beterr job with WOW and BO, but its linear as hell too.
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