I personally think he is racist. Look at last summer when he came out to help his proffesor friend. Remember the president said he did not know all the facts he should have just kept his mouth shut. The president brought up the race card first. Typical thing a racist does. Just my personal belief.
Comcast has sent us notices in our local area to wait 2 more weeks to get windows 7. They say they are not ready for it . They will be ready on there server end. My vista works great from my opinion . I am going to wait for a couple of weeks.
Playing the race card whenever he looses in the court of truth and justice . He plays the race card.He has allready done it . Take example of this last summer with the dumb proffesor and a good cop . Look what happened. Thats what i belive.
All I am saying it seems funny that one size fits all with the white thing.But the black category there is two. There should be one category for white and just one for black.
I was filling out federal paperwork today. They needed to know my ethnicity. I noticed there was a place for white . and a place for black or african american . Why for the white section there is not a section white or english american.Seems kind of funny all whites are the same but with the blacks you can be either black or african american. It just seems funny they are allways trying to seperate us...
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