Truth be told the military can get you places if you don't come from money. I don't mean you have to become infantry or something that may get you killed, even though theres nothing wrong with that, but there are hundreds of jobs in the military that can get you life experiences to be hired in the civilian world, or it can pay for your whole college tuition and basic housing allowance.
I chose 15Q MOS, which is Army air traffic controller, got my FAA CTO license while on active duty. Now I live a really good life. I was poor my whole childhood and then worked since I was 15 making hardly any money. Slaving away making dollars above minimum wage. Couldn't pay my bills. Then I joined at 21 and made enough money in the military as an e-4 to live on my own and get the things that I wanted.
Laugh all you want though. But it can change your life in positive ways, but there are always risk involved and you need plenty motivation. Just my 2 cents.
keep your private lives off the internet please, leave that stuff for the courtroom if you need something settled. Don't leave it up to neckbeards and sjw's to defend you.
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