@kutraz: there are many games like that out there, go play them. Don't try and change a masterpiece.. part of it is the challenge, without the challenge it is no longer what makes it special it's just another generic game most people will play on normal or easy.
@deth420: I didn't forget them. Hermaphrodites are hermaphrodites, which this actor isn't one of them. That would be acceptable to call them whatever they preferred in that case. That being said the odds of anyone being a hermaphrodites isn't very likely.. you have more chances of winning the lotto 3 times and being struck by lightning twice than being one.
@dts15: Fair enough, I was generally confused at first if the writer was talking about multiple people or not. It's not that I don't like people who identify as other genders, I think most people would prefer the correct terminology to be used instead of catering to a vocal minority. It's not the end of the world though, I will move on. Thanks for the discussion.
@dts15: They are confusing their readers (especially young ones) to conform to the ideals/virtue signal to the 1%.. A journalist should also be an educator and present the facts at all cost even if it makes someone feel uncomfortable. This isn't about my opinion because this isn't an opinion, I don't get to make up what the correct terminology is, it is already presented and therefore should be used appropriately. I hold journalist to higher standard than to cater to the fantasies of people that aren't even close to a majority of their viewer base. I'm sure the shoe would be on the other foot if they had called him a he in the article, so think before you call other people hypocrites.
masscrack's comments