@whatsazerg: dude you realize this game was created for americans by americans right? I wouldn't be surprised if main character is a handsome white male... no let me change that.. america is PC now so it will be a Black male or white woman or both.
@smokerob79: I use them for both, and I don't have any room for a 4k blu ray player, and a ps4 neo.. I already have xbone and comcast unit, ps4, surround sound... no more room, plus don't want to switch between inputs and dont want to pay an extra 300 bucks for a uhd player.. meh
@drake08: True, I own a PS4 as well, but there have been few good exclusives in the last 3 years.. Bloodborne, Until Dawn, and Uncharted was okay. Most if not all multiplats are on PC, especially now with xbox one play anywhere we get more exclusives. But pertaining to street fighter 5, I believe that is on PC as well.
masscrack's comments