Every single person i've spoken to who has both consoles prefers the 360.
and yes, STUPID BLU RAY PLAYER. really doesn't mean jack. so you can see an extra crease in Angelina Jolie's butt in Wanted. WOW! I'd rather watch the movie than notice the stupid crease. In case you don't know, I mean the small useless details that do JACK for the movie. Half of the PS3 exclusives aren't even that great. Resistance is a what you get if Halo and Call of Duty had a ret-mentally unstable baby. I'll give you Killzone, it's going to be great. God of War is going to be another decent game with great graphics. Braid, Xbox exclusive, could have been in the running for GOTY if it wasn't in such an epic class of games.
Left 4 Dead, repetative, yes. Only 3 hours of play? Really? Do you have no friends to play with that you couldn't play Co-Op with your buddies? That was the point of the game, it wasn't for single player. It's stupid to play it alone in fact.
For me, Xbox wins. PS3 is a paper weight in my house. We play Xbox.
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