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master_of_yore Blog

Saving up the money

There are a few things I need to buy that is coming up.  I need to buy the wi-fi adapter for my DS and Mario Kart DS.  I also need to get a X-Box 360.  I am going to have to scrape money from whereever I can to get all of this stuff bought before Christmas because I am just getting my computer upgraded from all the money I get then.


It's been a while since last time

Wow 4 whole months since I last posted here. I guess I won't come here much since I like Gamespot to much to leave it so this my be one of the only times I come here. Anyway I just got Castlevania for the DS and it was pretty good. On a scale of 1-10 Id say a 9. It is a must have for any Castlevania gamer out there. Even if you havn't played a Castlevania yet you should definently check it out. Well thats about all I have ot say for now.

Getting Castlevania

I'm going to buy Castlvania for the DS.  What do you think of the game if you have played it?  I have always been a fan of the Castlevania series and am hoping this on is just as good as the rest.  I am also looking into Trauma Center.  The game looks inivative but I don't have the money just yet.  The Ds has been looking better lately.  With Wi-Fi coming out soon there will be games that will go online such as Mario Kart and Metriod.  I may not have a router but NIntendo will give a USB adapter to allow wi-fi capabilaties.  Anyway back to the subject.  Castlvania will yet again have the soul system which I liked from the previous Castlevania.  I hope the stylus does not get into the way of the gameplay, though the idea of sealing up a monster before you kill it I think is kinda nice.  Overall I guess I have to play the game to really tell how the game will be.  I will probably end up writing a review for the game once I get through it with most of the souls and items in my invetory.  I will post another entry into my blog once I get the game.  Until next time,


3 day weekend

This weekend is a 3 day weekend for school. I really need this to catch up on sleep or else it feels like my eyes will bleed. I have been up till 2AM and waking up at 6AM. Though that will probably never change.

Sick Day

Damn this sucks. I can't breathe what so ever and I have a sore throat. At least I get to not go to school :D.

Algebra II

Algebra II is really starting to piss me off. I have a quiz every Friday and homework every day. I also had to get a $80.00 calculator. Oh well I guess I will get through it somehow.