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matiasocner Blog

Chrono Cross More Like Chrono Done

I beat Chrono Cross five days after its arrival. Let me just say its one of the best Game Stories I have ever experienced, and if any one is even thinking about checking this game then I completely encourage you to do it. I especially like the way the game has a lot of references to Chrono Trigger since I am a Chrono Trigger veteran I like the story even better. This might be a game created in 2000 and the graphics are pretty old I still think that story is always better than graphics. If you think about it to when the game came out it must have been awesome graphics for its time, especially with the multiple FMV’s included in the game. I really enjoyed this game and truly understand the reason why Gamespot gave this game a 10 ! ! ! Ohh and by the way I still need to get 44 more endings.

Final Fantasy Chronicles

Yes Yes.... I know i was pretty mad since my Chrono Cross took so long to arrive but now I bought a new game "Final Fantasy Chronicles" i rather pay 15 bucks for this ps1 title that has fmv's and some extras for chrono trigger than waste $50-60 on a super nintendo game. Now dont get me wrong i like SNES but its just that the price range is too high ! ! ! !

Finnaly Arrived

Wow i had to wait for about 11-13 days for the game to come since when i order it it was during the 4th of July week. My luck that the company didnt work that whole week. Well after the big wait it finally got here and I really happy since now i have a tons of work ahead of me !!!!!

Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross

I have been playing chrono trigger for a while now and i just cant stop playing it. I liked it so much i just had to buy Chrono Cross. Now I went to amazon and placed and order on June 29. Guess what my game hasnt come and iam really pissed. I cant wait until it arives iam going to try to unlock all 45 endings.

Driver 3

Man Driver 3 is by far one of the most painfulest games to play. I was on a mission that i had but three cars in a truck. Well by the time I had all the cars in the truck i was already 50 years old. Point of this story dont get driver 3 its just a waste of time and money.
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