if i were to put 10 dollars down to reserve the monster hunter tri bundle would i be able to pick up my reserved copy one month later or is there some sort of time limit?
if i were to put 10 dollars down to reserve the monster hunter tri bundle would i be able to pick up my reserved copy one month later or is there some sort of time limit?
okay so i have a question. does anyone know if gamestop will be selling normal edition ff13 strategy guides for 20 dollars because i won't be able to afford a 35$ limited edition one.
edit: never mind i just checked gamestop and it seems they are selling a normal edition guide for 25. sorry.
if i purchase a 20 dollar psn card will i be able to dl ff7 and 8 since they are both 9.99? i am not sure as i have never dl'd anything from the psn and was wondering if they charge tax because then i would be a only a dollar or so from dling both which i find kind of dumb.
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