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Battle of the Open Worlders: Zelda BOTW vs. HZD

I realize the lateness of this post. But I really want to bring to the attention the greatness of these 2 videos games.I havent beaten either game yet to date but the reason for that is well....just complicated. Life has gotten in the way.

I got Horizon Zero Dawn about 2 years ago. Its a beautiful game with lots of really cool locations. The fighting system is really dope too. A little 2 dimensional but basically divided between a wide assortment of ranged weapons and your spear. The way the main character interacts with environment is really dope too. There's not a lot Alloy can't do. Alloy's adversaries are tough and varied.

I got Zelda Breath of the Wild just last year. The world is really really big. I just love the way the game seems to have so many ways to be played. Its a truly non linear experience. Link has lots of combat options too. I dont really like the way your weaopons break and you have to go get new weapons...I've gotten used to it but its really annoying. Link's ability to climb stuff is really cool.

Overall I feel these are the 2 games of this generation. Its just easy to dismiss them but when you play them for a long period of time you appreaciate greatness.

Much Love and Respect for Xbox

Hey guys. I recently got an xbox one s...and i love. I used to despise Xboxes...after playing them over my friend's house and owning mind has changed. It's pretty dope. PS4 is still better tho :P

Support ya boi, and buy my new E-book

I am an author and avid video game player. I want you guys to check out my new book, SGB Chronicles. Its not long. Its a fun read too. Its a science fiction book. please share with your friends too :)

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The Deal is done....I got the PS4!!

Ok guys call me crazy but i really wanted a PS4...and i just got one. I decided to trade my PS3(which i got back in 2008.) for it. I traded over 30 ps3 games and my PSvita to get one. I dont really regret my decision even though, right now, i only have COD AW and NBA 2k15 for PS4. SO what do you guys think of my trade/upgrade? What games for PS4 should i get next??

Why I Don't need a PS4 or a XBOX 0 right now

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Well you know i have been a gamer since I was 6 years old and im in my mid twenties now. Anyways I own a PS3 and a Wii U. I find the games on both systems to be excellent. As for the new hardware out......I really dont like Xbox 1, 360 or 0(Yea i call it 0 lol). However I do sort of want a PS4. The problem is theres really no reason to buy it right now. I have over 20 PS3 games and quite a few WII U and Wii games. I have plenty to keep me busy. So i mean if you agree or disagree with me please comment below. BTW i have a PS VITA and 3dsXL.

My Video Game Empire

Ok so due to regular employment and other things (all legal don't worry) I have been able to buy more games and more game systems. I currently have a Wii U and A Ps3. There's a lot of completion there, but I still end up playing my old Ps3 more lol. I bought a PS Vita today, and i must confess I am really impressed with it thus far. The 3dsxl is really cool, but I am tired of the 3d thing. No that doesn't mean i will buy a 2ds....ok maybe i will later.

Sidebar: I beat BLack OPs 2 earlier today. The Ending was so lame ah man. I shouldn't have let the boss go. Anyways I have a lot of games for each of my systems except the PS VIta. Also i don't think hoarding applies to video games. :P I have 22 ps3 games and that's maybe 2 or 3 to many. I only say that cause my PS3 is running out memory

Do I have too many games?

I recently got a Wii U late last year. The system is great, i love the NEW(is it still new) SUper Mario Bros. WIi U. I beat the game. Nintendo land is also really good. However since i missed out on the Wii ive gotten more Wii games than Wii U Games so far(2-3).

I also own a PS3 so i am trying to balance out playing that, the Wii U, and my 3DS.....its not easy. I thought of having a day dedicated to just one system but that just seems silly.


Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus....i was unable to login to my account for a while....but im happy to be back.

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