Animations were looking kinda canned for my tastes. And the main character was alone while walking around, but not on the cut scenes, this is very worrying. Like playing Dead Space 3 alone with Isaac and the other guy showing up on cuts out of nowhere. I hope its just for the pre-alpha thing. Another crazy thing, because the game comes next year but they keep showing us old stuff. I'm a diehard fan and I wasn't worried after that trailer. Now...
What really concerns me isn't that, but in the trailer the guy was all alone walking around. When the cut scene popped, 3 mates appeared out of nowhere. A human team was fully armored and a Asari was using some ugly civilian clothing, helmets disappeared... I hope they're not leaving those things behind. Invisible mates was common on 90s, we are almost hitting 2020 dammit.
@nanosuituser059: You made a complain with your complain so your past theory might be fundamentally right. ''The game is perfect'' that's what fanboys and enthusiast buyers wants to hear on every game out.
@Richardthe3rd: STFU kid. The UAC thing is already a micro-universe trying to big bang. You know nothing about Doom. I agree with the review back months ago but I laughed now with you. I want more story on Doom, more gameplay too and I have been playing Doom for more time you're probably alive. The game is good, but it does misses lots of opportunities. But I'm not worried, they will use on future DLC.
If you think that Doom doesn't deserve scripts and plot as any other game you should definitely quit gaming.
@ianpaulfreeley: But you weren't there at the time you wrote that wasn't? Something I never quite understood on the Internet is... If the site isn't to your liking, why you're here reading the reviews? Freedom? Cool. So why don't you go there freely where the review is pleasing you? If every damn site starts speaking great about the games you loved so much, I would be much more p*ssed off.
@Allocer2010: Ouch. This capslock thing you did just shows enthusiasm to define things you're easily impressed with. Playing a game without a story is as good as playing packman. If DOOM isn't supposed to have a plot and just violence, then why there is a consistent plot running there? "Missed opportunities" just meant that more forms of that were skipped, its understandable, but painful regardless. Without a story for you to ''read'' (how pathetic that was) the game would worn off pretty quickly friend. With less wasted opportunities, It could add a few more hours to the campaign, more characters, stuff like that.
The only problem I have with DOOM is that we can't really gun them down like the old times. even if you go to options you won't escape your doom. Even mods like brutal doom made the finishing moves better and less repetitive. As before we would just finish demons for the pleasure, now it feels like I'm forced to do it. I don't know how to explain but this is the only complaint I have. Maybe satisfying gun kill is too primitive for today's standards
A movie about ST Alessia trials or Talos ascent would be phenomenal and could work, TES lore is so massive that you got books in-game only waiting to become a movie. Tell people stories related to that universe, if not on a movie maybe on a TV show. A fan can do that with a youtube why can't the company behind it?
MauroAugusto's comments