Oh... and Star citizen... wow. :D That's what i'm talking about. They had time to think about an FPS inside a space game, in only one game... take that CCP. And you too Activision.
I think the landscape graphics looks a bit outdated. And the le Parkour stuff is just starting to get pretty boring. Where's the fight and RPG that a LOR deserves much more than just assassinations? On AC4 I laughed the hell out when I saw an average courier doing it. Everybody does that nowadays, even Altair's grandmother.
I was on PC platform, I clicked on the game's name but I ended in Xone review. Gamespot is different since the last time I saw it, I had to click 3 times to see the review.
This is the third time I'm trying to log in! It take me so damn long to login as CyberDemon (my old nickname) I was already starting to think it was so on purpose, so I could enter here with my FB or google's account for the paper sake. No editor or moderator ever liked me here, even the funny Pete from Fables game hated me you know why? I speak too much. I did so just to post this for the last time. The new design is giving the page's advertising some priority instead of yourself. As long we understand, do this really need to be like that? I tried to stay on here anyway but even with my fast connection everything here is slow as hell, when you finally manage to enter on that page, and start to type on the box suddenly 3 thumbs of sponsored links comes out moving your box down - tricky. It isn't a test, it isn't a malfunction so don't bullcrap me. I tried to find an old PC game... impossible, the research tab isn't just bugged but also not reliable. I can't even see the game's screenshot with the goddamn Adv blocking my sight... distracting me. The new whitey background is so confusing that you can barely see what it means before you can click on that. Just to clarify, this isn't confusing because it is a all new thing and we are not used with it yet, I can honestly say to you that this is just a bad design. Like Windows 8 for desktop computers - at least uncle Bill did his update to solve the missing Start button thing. You G-guys should understand that the traditional isn't a knavish problem to be messed with but just a righteous functional element that is, it worked because it was good not because ppl were used to it. After 8 years I'm saying goodbye Gamespot. Good luck with that. I only liked Jesse anyway.
MauroAugusto's comments