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The dust is starting to settle

It's been crazy around here for the past week. The whole Jeff issue really got out of hand. I've had time to cool down myself. I've not yet fully forgiven Cnet but I didn't stick to my plans to boycott either. Acutally, I still don't plan to visit until I hear more about this. :D The recent Hotspot at least allowed me to relate to the staff again, but I'm still pissed because they can't tell us the full details that is if they even know. I'm sure they do. If he really did something that warranted an honest firing, then I'm sure most people wouldn't even want to here that. We want to hear about the injustice that has been taking place.

The whole situation just looks so bad even after reading Gamespot's full response which wasn't really anything we didn't already know. I appreciate the "semi transparency" that was given but you can still tell that a corporate string is attached to them even if they don't want to admit it to themselves. It sucks. It makes me feel like there is a firewall up between the Gamespot staff and the readers which should never happen. I hope the staff finds a way to unite the readers with the site again. I love this freaking site and now something stupid like this has to happen. Cnet must have had a great reason to fire Jeff or knows something that I don't.

Jeff is Gone

I'm extremely upset over this. Now that Gamespot's best reviewer has been fired, what do I do now? What makes me even more upset is Gamespot's piss poor statement released today. If it takes 4 days to come up with a couple of quotes and a nice job buddy, then please pass the torch to someone else. I suppose it was Cnet who put the lid on that can but come on. Are you guys just expecting that you can ignore this until the flame dies down? I don't think it's going to be that easy. Whether this mess is true or not, the way it has been handled is enough for me to take my business to other places. I'm sure would love to see me on their site more often. Gamespot has some of the best forums around so I'd miss them dearly. I really don't want to leave, but it's only right to take a stand. I want a clearer statement along with some evidence presented before I change my mind. I hope that Jeff is allowed to speak on this issue soon because this legal crap is getting on my nerves. I wish the best of luck to you Jeff. You deserve better than this anyway. I can't wait to see where you end up whether it be on the development side of things or in journalism.

Gears of War is a great experience

It's one of those games that you read all about before it comes out. You preorder it and simply hope that it doesn't disappoint. I've finished Act 4 on the single player and spent a great amount of time online. It's fantastic! Even though this game is immensly different than Halo 2, the first thing most people asked me is how does it compare to Halo. The primary reason is because Halo  has great replay value. Online is where it's at; at least for me.

I've been able to play for a few hours straight and not get bored. Whether this game can stand the test of time like Halo has is yet to be deteremined, but one thing is for certain, it's a ton of fun now. I can see myself playing it for months to come.

It's been a while

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since May. I had planned to start doing tons of Video blogs, but that didn't work out. I still plan to do some very soon. 

New Video Blog coming soon!!

For those of you who are waiting on my next magical project, it will be coming soon. Possibly by tonight, but probably Wednesday. I think my topic will be in regards to Home Theater and primarily focus on subwoofers (Get ready for the boom!). Some of the the industry's best kept SECRETS will be revealed. There are a lot of myths and misunderstands in this area and I'd love to help clear some of it up. I plan to help you guys make a wise decision when you make your next purchase and keep you from making any big mistakes. Let me know what you think of this idea. Also, over the years, I've had too much time on my hands so I've researched and studied too many things. So if you guys/gals would like to hear about speakers, computers (building or repairing), games or many other things just let me know.

PS3 Press Conference- Ok but not Great

The conference didn't offer anything too dramatic. The MGS4 trailer was good, but we expected it. Heavenly Sword seems like a great game; I'd really like to have it, but it's nothing that says, "I need to go spend $600 for that game." The "dramatic" or should I say surprise of the conference was Sony's announcement of it's new controller feature. Yes, I'm being completely cynical about the whole thing, but I can't help it. It takes a lot of balls to kick somebody in the face while standing in front of such a large crowd. I'm actually starting to root for Nintendo over Sony anyway. Despite all the negativity said, I'd still like to own a PS3. I probably won't pay 500 or $600 for it though.

This is why I like blogging so much. If I was writing for Gamespot, I'd try to stay as neutral and as unbiased as possible. But, I can say what i want and upset as many people as I want. Did Sony make a smart business decision? Possible, but it shows me how "innovative" they really are.

The burning crusade

I've recently stopped playing WoW because I've slowed down playing the game to where it's not worth the $15 a month to play it. The game is still fantastic, but I wonder if the expansion has enough to draw back the casual fans

Halo 3 Mystery

The suspense is filling the air. No one knows for certain whether Bungie will be showing this game off. Most of what has been written is pure speculation; however, it seems foolish not to create some thunder of your own at such a huge event. IGN recently released an article stating that Halo 3 appearance is pure fact based on an interview with one of Microsofts employees. Only time will tell.  

E3 is here!!

I'm more excited about this years E3 than I have been about the previous events. This is primarily due to the mystery regarding Halo 3 and two new consoles being fully unveiled. I'm a little dissapointed to hear many analysts predict that Sony won't be revealing a price for the PS3. Sony seems to be as confused as we are regarding the consoles price point. Anyway, tons of new games, consoles, videos, downloads, and news will fill my week with joy, hopefull. 

LOST was crazy tonight

Did anybody see tonights episode? ***SPOILER ALERT***
I can't believe that Michael shot Libby and Ana Lucia. They freaking brain washed him. It's just crazy. It really makes you wonder what these people are doing and what they tell people. I have a feeling that this season will end similar to season 1 in that it'll be a cliff hanger. It builds excitement leading into the next season but it sucks because you don't get any closure. Well, I'm really hoping that we get some serious answers. Living too many things unanswered will cause too much tension with us, the viewers. Only two more episodes left. (i think)
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