@NuclearFlower thank you for your comment.no i was bashed in the head as child,was you born from pond life i do understand you it must be terrible to be a frog
@AtomicBaconBits once i have played this game and you was right with your comment,i will reply back to you and say my comment was wrong and it was hilarious.
@AtomicBaconBits thank you for your comment,when your paying 40 to50 pound all games should have a 10 rateing,so it should not be pathetically halarious in my comment
gamespot allways give bad scores even if the game is good,other reviews are giveing the last of us ten .its best for gamers to score the game when playing it cause the reviews will be fairer as told by gamers
i like the look,it looks like playstation3 but who cares what the playstation look like,its what it can do that counts.seeing some of the games that are comeing playstation4 will be outstanding
looking forward to the release of playstation 4 and to get some of these new gamessome of the new games look outstanding
i thought the game was going to be rubbish,i was wrong its a good gamei have learnt good lesson try the game first before passing a comment
maxpatne1940's comments