1 year head start, but nothing to show for. kinda of sad really. i figured it would of sold 20mil by now, or at least close to it. ps3 is 5mil under, WIi just taken the crown from 360 in total of 9 months. that is just sad.1 year head start to gain second place?
I expected more for an unveiling of a series once glorified for its beauty along with unmatchable combat that actually took skill. I wasn't impressed by Sigma, or Ninja Gaiden 2, but as long as the combat remains great with the incredibly hard enemies I couldn't careless about graphics, but I think things will improve come release next year. And I'm still going to buy this game day one, probably Limited Edition too, knowing MS they'll make one.lantus
[QUOTE="Klash47"]yeah enternal sonata went from a 360 exclusive to a ps3 withmore add ons. tho 360 version looks like a watered down port now.BioShockOwnz
Sorry, the PS3 versions still the port no matter which way you spin it.
yep very true, and also MS lost a exclusive no matter how you spin it.
Now that NG2 looks just like NGS, will lemmings still think NGS is up res of NGB? cool video btw, i really like the new special moves http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24980.html
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