The only thing worse than a sony fanboy is one that's over opinionated. Everything Peter says about M$ can be counter pointed. He critiques M$ for not taken chances and bashes them for taken chances on games like Quantum break and Recore. Then questions M$ commitment to their XBox division but doesn't M$ listening to their fan base and giving them a more powerful console show their commitment to the games. XBOX one has just as many First party successful titles and Sony. I have to think with scorpio coming out this year they could have taken a step back to look at all of their projects to see where they could make new or better experiences which could definitely have effected their portfolio this year.
I will never buy infinty ward COD again day one. I will wait for deals like this just to play the campaign. Their multiplayer is some of the worst I have ever played with lag and host advantage... unplayable played it for a few days a haven't touched it since.
I be getting two day one one for me and one for my son. Gaming is my passion ...I don't golf, go to concerts or travel so I don't mind spending money (within reason) for something that will pay for itself with entertainment value. I ask for this a while back so to now see they listen understand their customer base is another reason I support Xbox. I think it's great they are providing options for consumers. I have a 60 htz 4k TV ready for this beast. Lets go!!!
I don't understand this thought process. Everyone else creates there own digital store Ubisoft, EA, Gamestop, etc. ... but when Microsoft does it because they want to destroy Steam. Options are good they can co-exist.
I didn't read the entire article... yes that is bullshit if Microsoft does not allow steam to run on win32. It goes against everything that was good about windows if this is the case.
mc_snap's comments