Homer is an idiot. Sony anchored nothing with going last. Like sony a billion dollar company who is making huge decisions 10 hours before they go on stage based on microsofts show .... come on dude.
It's just an an opinion from someone who plays a lot of games to give you an insight to what you are buying. I not a determination if the game cam be sold in the stores or an opinion forced down your throat to repeat. For the folks complaining about the last of us review grow the **** up.
@EVOchamp2015 That is not the point EVO. It's wrong for any company to tell you when you can use their product when you already paid for it. Its like ford putting a special lock on my oil cap only they can open. So if I don't go to their dealership for an oil change once the oil is used up I can only use my car as a radio. What if I'm not near a dealership? What if I get a better price on a oil change? Our lives are connected to the internet but there are times when I can't meet their 24 hour connect criteria and I wont be able to play my games that I paid for... that is bullshit. Edit (5 minutes)
@EVOchamp2015 That is not the point EVO. It's wrong for any company to tell you when you can use their product when you already paid for it. Its like ford putting a special lock on my oil cap only they can open. So if I don't go to their dealership for an oil change once the oil is used up I can only use my car as a radio. What if I'm not near a dealership? What if I get a better price on a oil change? Our lives are connected to the internet but there are times when I can't meet their 24 hour connect criteria and I wont be able to play my games that I paid for... that is bullshit.
It just cracks me up so many people think that MS is just going to use this device as a glorified smart tv box. It's going to be a gaming system first and they said it themselves. It's the games that sell these systems and they know it. Get all the facts before shooting off a bunch of dumb comments.
I like the design. I rather have something looks solid and is large enough to have proper cooling and quieter sound. Also the no power brick b/c power supply is built in. IMO this is a much better strat than designing something that has a tiny foot print and some ridiculous shape just to be edgy and hip.
No... no issue with design for me.
I don't really care about the name as long as it does what it's supposed to do what does it matter.
mc_snap's comments