mcgeehe's forum posts
This. QFT Green = WiFi Orange = HDDIm pretty sure thats the Wifi light. The cylinder is the HD working i think, and to the right of that is a lil Wifi symbol. Its nothing to worry about.
If you go to upgrade your hard rive get a 5400 RPM hard drive. I put in a 7200 and it fried my system.ultimameteoraI wouldn't try it, also the PS3 doesn't have the option of saving entire games to the HDD so having a faster one wouldn't mean a thing anyways as that's is only the area you would notice a difference. You would know if you put in a new hard drive, that's a given and on each and every drive there is a sticker with its specs and at the top it should state its RPM speed somewhere by its size and yes you could have put a 7200RPM drive in by mistake if you swapped your old one out with out ever knowing what the speed of the new drive is.
Buying a new PS3 is just poor money management. You can fix it yourself for the cost of some new thermal paste by placing the mobo in an oven for a few minutes, or do things more professionally and spend an extra $20+ on a heat gun. New PS3s are not immune to YLODistuffedsunnyI sort of agree with your statement. My theory is that once it breaks its more prone to do it again and sooner, now as the OP said he was quoted $80 to have it repaired and that seems reasonable. The new PS3 is not immune to YLOD but it had precautions implemented to make it less of an occurrence with out going into major detail I'll put it simply, the PS3 slim uses smaller chips, 45nm down from 90nm IIRC that's roughly a 15% drop in power consumption that paired with a more efficient exhaust system its safe to say that the Slims should not really have a YLOD problem, not saying it CAN'T happen though. Now, if he repairs his current system numerous times until the cost outweighs buying a new one then it would have been better to buy a slim. At the same time if he repairs it and never invest more than the cost of a slim before the PS4 is released then he saved more money that way. It's all relevant and comes down to what the OP wants. Just one more little punch, the Slim consumes less power so it is very, very slowly paying for it self if he makes the switch =p Also do not do your own repairs unless you know 100% what you are doing and are comfortable with having all warranty's void by Sony, once you open it up you are on your own.
Play DS1 on the hardest difficulty (defiantly no more walking armory) at night in a pitch black room with head phones on at a decently loud volume, it gets pretty intense my friend. I will agree that DS2 is not nearly as scary as DS1 and defiantly agree that RE5 is far from a horror game, they aren't even zombies anymore lol. I guess the biggest thing in DS1 that got me was the fact that you are stranded on a disabled star ship/planet cracker and are completely and utterly alone, space is a terrifying place I could not imagine being trapped millions of miles (assuming the game takes place in our solar system as DS2 does) away with a infestation of extremely hostile organic life forms. But its defiantly not for everyone. Also don't turn your brightness up on these games, it takes away from the atmosphere and defiantly do not turn the volume down. (this was a general statement for other gamers I'm not saying you do this) I played the Siren Blood demo and was impressed with it, haven't bought it yet though.well look no further than siren blood curse if you want a true survivial horror exp that will actually scare you. Im sorry folks dead space 1 and 2 are great games but its not that scary. Games like Dead space and RE5 should be classified ass action horror games imo. Its hard to be scared when you carry an Armory around in your pocket.
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