i did hear something about copying the licence but since in my licence folder it has i think 10 different ones and i dont have any idea which one is the right one
because i dont want to have to download all the patches for every game ive already downloaded, take littlebigplanet for example that has 23 od patches which i wouldent want to re-download if i wanted a new hard drive
i mean that if i run out of space on my psps memory stick i want to be able to copy it to my hard drive so if i want to play it in the future i can then just copy it back onto the psp
now the problem is that when i put it back onto my psp it says something about copyright, even though it origonally came from that psp
i know rockstars only just announced it but it still makes me wonder how much data i need to install for the two add ons if i get the disk version i also wondered how did they manage to get both episodes onto one disk for the xbox because i remember them saying they ran out of disk space for the original gta
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