@fishlore: Nicely said. I cant tell you how many times I have complained how certain games over receive coverage but what about all the others? Since all these guys are buddy buddy they all basically share the same brain and thoughts(seriously is there ever a disagreement on a game?) that if one game hits that nostalgic factor, or could get clicks every site runs with it. Undertale, Stardew Valley, Rocket league, NO ONE knew about them until real playerers spread the word. What about indie games like Bloodlust Shadowhunter(everything made by one guy),Subterrain, Waste Walkers, etc. Sad thing is the people covering games only play because its their job. I don't think they are real fans of games in general. The best line when talking about GOTY, "I didn't have time to play".
No disrespect, but boring. How is it the best games are on PC, the best indies are on PC, MMO, Free to Play, early access, I can go on and on and here's another(and I do mean another) JRPG podcast. Ill never understand why no one wants to talk PC when there is so much to talk about from the hardware to the exclusives that come out every week. Sad the media don't have any new ideas, kind of like JRPGs in general.
I don't really care for all these movies, but funny when the movie was viewed the first night, cant remember where I read it, but they posted a bunch of tweets(kill me ) from people saying how epic it was, people giving it a standing ovation, Ben is the best Batman, etc. Basically everyone was cumming all over themselves. All I could think is we live in nothing but a PR world where you can never trust anyone, or anything. Ive followed that for years now, but I guess Mulder and Scully knew all along Don't Trust Anyone.
Love how it emphasizes the "30 fps" in the headline, but yet I can play it in 4K. Will we see that comparison video, or will I have to grab my 10 yr old pc out so we can compare it to the console version. Players everywhere should be embarrassed by the ignorance of the media.
This show I would consider the best ever when it came to showcasing talent. Yea, you have the singing ones, but imo singing in most cases is not really difficult. Creating something from scratch with vision, and ability that's awesome and same goes for all game devs.
So Game spot is going to try and become IGN? Well, both forums are equal as all hell, and outside Danny here, and Daemon at IGN not much left for interesting views. So good job, You did it?
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