@Gravity_Slave: You have bought 2 mediocre systems and a nother is on the way in a yr. I haven't updated my PC in 2 years and still playing 1440P 60+ frames. Gamers play games on PC and suckers buy consoles.
@Gravity_Slave: Outsold a system that has done nothing this year. And it actually got rolled WW so it all actuality that's even worse. No one wants an Xbox and no one wants to play their tired exclusives. They need something new and what they have coming is not impressive in any way.
@bdrtfm: So sensitive. Xbox fans always hate it when they are told the truth. Lets see you ve bought 2, that's right 2, underpowered door stops in what 3 years. That's $600 and hoping that their new PC will save you. Maybe, just maybe you will get a game that's more than 20 frames with a resolution higher than 720P. Facts.
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