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me_charmed_1 Blog

WHO likes my icon or 'avatar' as they call it?..

Phoebe Buffay from friends :D:D (now)
or did you like Paige Matthews from Charmed?

i love them both, and i dont no whether to stick with Buffay or go back to Matthews?????

which do you like?

smelly cat women or crystalls calling orb women?

actually.. could someone confirm to me that that is Phoebe please, as i mixed up sleepTights avatar to being Harry Potter :P

Derailed & Lucky Number Sleven

i also watched those two films last night. They are both brilliant with amazing performances from the actors and twists like Running Scared.

Especially Derailed! i didnt see that one coming! And Jennifer gave an amazing performance in her role.. i wont say to much as i might give something away.

Recommended to those who like action and thriller
over all both 8 out of 10

Running Scared

yesturday, i watched the new Paul Walker film, Runing Scared and it is excellent! its full of twists and has a good story to it, Although it has some twisted bits to it, its still quite good.

Overall i would rate it 8 out of 10 and recomended to people who like thrillers and dont mind violence/strong language.

LAST DAY of Year 9 school..wooo

okay its actually tomorrow that its my last day but what the heck:D

i cant wate untill the summer, i get to go to Paris and maybe Canada near the end :Dso all you Canadians out there watch out for me :)

6 weeks of sleeping in and not to worry about getting up late  :D wooo

Dead Like Me

OKAY, so all shows have finished airing new episodes for the summer, and i was like no!! but i came across a show on Limewire called Dead Like Me and i checked it out here on and i downloaded a random episode from season 1, and i totally felll in love with it! I then downloaded the pilto which was very funny and cool. I am now downloading more episodes becuase they are just brilliant! I love the show becuse it is so unique and there hasnt been one like it! and it has to be brilliant if you can get a person hooked to a show if you've only watched 3 random episodes (well me anyway) :D:D

comments? Have any of you watched it or like it?

P.S i just looked and its a ended  show :o :(  noo!!! how crappy is that :evil:

FISH HORROR, new level & end of school term(nearly)

I always thought my fish had an easy life.. ya know, swimming around all day, without any worries.

No! no not my fish! Yesturday my baby cousin came over and was eating Hula hoops(round hooped crisps) and he is totally obssessed with my fish and as he was about to go he.. HE..HE..he.. :evil:  threw MOST of the packet in the fish tank :shock: i was like AHHH, so i ahd to clean it all out, im just glad fish have memeories of like 2 seconds is it? They would have been traumatised if they remembered.. im just never going to give my Cousin crisps anymore.

Anyway, im on a new level! Level 8 Small wonder. erm whats that supposed to be, i want to be a big wonder :evil: lol All my submissions payed off!

Finally, i am just about to finish school next week *few* but i still have loads of english essays to do.. whats the point? ive done my exams, why do the teachers have to put us threw that.. but i dont really mind, its analysing Pirates of The Carribean

Anyways, i have to get on and do that

Cya all

Meeting celebs


Has any of you ever met a celebrity before?

I remeber Keanu Reeves came to my town in UK ages ago when he was in a band and performed his song in the Civic Centre.

I was so close to meeting him but i wouldnt probably remeber as i was like 1 years old lol

And the reason for him coming to my town was that someone told him my town is the most boringist place on the plant :o   AND HE AGREED:(:( My sister was .. what 14 then? and she was literary dying to see him.

Apart from that, ive never really been in the same place or seen  a celebrity :( Have any of you guys because id like to know who :D

Devil In The Flesh

I Watched Rose Mcgowan's film, "Devil in the flesh" yesturday, which was quite good!

Her acting rocked!  and also the way she was at the starting, you would never guess what she would turn into in the middle and end.

Although it was quite freakish at times, i still enjoyed the film, and i totally hated her grandmothers character:evil: i didnt mind it when Rose's character .. y'know..hurt her.. lol