meedak's forum posts
Not as many games, but 3 games in Top 10 of all time.
As for new franchises, I understand where you're coming from, but expect some new ones this GEN. They have had a few over the years, you just don't notice them.
Advance Wars/Battalion Wars
Animal Crossing
Killer7/No More Heroes
Eternal Darkness
You know what you do to fix this?
1. Cry about it a bit.
2. Tell your mom.
3. Cry about it some more.
4. Don't buy the game.
5. Stop whining.
K, thanks.
I guess it depends upon weather you consider the Wii a "next gen system" or not. I personally do not. I'm glad its doing well because generally speaking I love Nintendo and am happy to see them doing well (i took alot of grief from buddies when I constantly defended my Cube!), but a GameCube with worse controlls just doesn't interest me. I already have the Wii's two best games on my NGC (TwilightP and Res4) and the gameplay is vastly superior without having to use the wiimotes (which is the only factor preventing me from owning one as I just can't stand the wands for gameplay).
RE4 GCN "vastly" superior controls to RE4 Wii? Have you even played it?
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