Cool cool. So instead of waiting to buy a PS5 for a reasonable price, I can just wait for games to come to PC.
Miles Morales and Forbidden West were what I mostly wanted a PS5 for the time being, but one of them is already confirmed for PC, and the other might be well on its way!
I buy very few games full price at launch, especially where I live where we don't get regional pricing, so games are really expensive.
In Days Gone's case, I didn't buy at launch because reviews said it ran bad. But mostly it didn't tickle my fancy at that time.
Last year it was on sale I think for 20$, during lockdown, and I was like: you know what? I fancy riding a bike through a forest lol So I bought it and ended up really loving it!
Should a sequel come out, I'll probably buy it day one. I think publishers need to give new IPs a chance, if they don't fail big time ofc. And I don't think Days Gone did that bad, did it? I mean it got a PS5 upgrade and a PC release. Gravity Rush 2 got neither.
My poor beloved Gravity Rush :< I pre-ordered that btw.
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