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megamannt123 Blog

Next level, results, and even more paper mario!

Yay, level 12! Moving on, free comic book day this year was better than last year. The sonic comic this year had the history of the sonic comic universe from when it first started. On the cover there was kid sonic, mecha sonic(another comic), sonic on his airboard from sonic riders, sonic adventure 2 battle's sonic(with the grind shoes), the edgy style sonic from sonic battle, and the final version of sonic(present day). I even got some concept art that an artist there drew and signed for me! They were giving out free popcorn, free pocket sized FM radios, and other stuff. The big prizes were decided by use of numbered ticket stubs(much better from last year). I didn't win anything, but I had fun.

As for paper mario, I beat the N64 one, but after seeing how hard it was to continue leveling up(by defeating a rare enemy that gives the same experience as defeating a boss over and over. unfortunately, the gamecube makes it simpler, and the N64 takes way too long), I decided to just start another file on the gamecube paper mario(I'm caught in the hype, woo hoo!). Later!

Free comic book day!!!

Right now, I'm here at the library at 10:25 in the morning on Saturday. I'm on gamespot waiting till 11:00 for the comics and prizes to be given out! Last year I got the sonic issue you see below. An extremely rare reprint of sonic's first issue, but with a new cover! A great addition to my collection. Now for a dumb story from last year's free comic book day: the last prize was being given out, a box set of original speed racer mangas! They asked what speed racer was called in Japan(Mach go go go). I raised my hand, but didn't get picked. Then 5 seconds later, everyone else's hand comes up(lame). I almost got it, but hopefully this time will go better!

Chapel Hill Comics » Free Comic Book Day is Saturday, May 3! *Now ...

These things are so awesome!

What am I talking about? It could be salsa verde doritos(chips). It could be the smerfs(probably not lol). No I'm talking about the new N64 games I just downloaded for my wii. That would be paper mario and mario kart 64!

Paper MarioMario Kart 64

Paper mario is the legend that started the whole series from N64 to gamecube to the wii. The gameplay and story are just fantastic! Mario kart 64 is lots of fun. It's simple, it's addictive with extra people playing, and it keeps you coming back. Me and my dad have been playing it the past week and he's having a great time with it. ALSO! I can't believe it, but I racked up 20 comments on the last post! That'sa benchmark I'm happy about lol! Thanks everyone!

My top 10 fav. sonic games EXTRA

Sonic Mega CollectionSonic Gems CollectionSonic BattleSonic AdvanceSonic Advance 2Sonic Advance 3Sonic Rush Thanks to everyone for the responses to my list(it made making it that much more fun lol). The main reason that I didn't have more older sonic games was because I'm more into the newer sonic games. I wanted to put the mega collection and gems collection on the list(top), but they consist of a collection of games, not just one. All the older sonic games on them are fun and I love to play them. The gems collection even has the super rare sonic fighters game. It's an arcade game(like marvel vs. capcom) with the sonic cast fighting each other, and it's pretty cool.

The advance games didn't make it because they were newer versions of the older games, and I could have put them up, but I only had so much room! The sonic advance series is a great evolution of the originals(Sonic advance 1 is the third of three sonic games with the chao raising) which I highly recommend. Sonic battle is really fun, because it has an original story, but you fight with each character, and after your battles, you obtain skill cards(there is a big collection) that you can equip to the robot sonic finds. Eventually, the robot becomes very strong, and the gameplay gets smoother. Finally, the sonic rush series was great as well, combining the original sonic gameplay with 3-D elements, a new story, and a new character. Pretty much all the sonic games made(except for a choice few) have been awesome, and anyone could enjoy them. So, there you have it!

My top 10 fav. sonic games #1

Sonic and the Secret Rings

I apologize to Cloud_765 in advance if he doesn't like the choice. It just goes to show the evolution from original 2-D games to amazing 3-D games can be really great! The control scheme for this(holding the wii remote on the side, pushing it forward to do a homing attack, etc.) is really fun and interactive, and sonic goes blazing fast through the creative levels at times. The soundtrack is cool, the story is interesting,the graphics are smooth,and the multiplayer is fun. My favorite thing though, is the special book. Once you get medals from completing missions, you unlock the history of sonic, various concept art, developer videos, music, and other cool stuff. I haven't played the other two wii games, so I can't rate them. Next post is the extra list!

My top 10 fav. sonic games #2

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

I really love this sonic game, because it has so much going for it. Such as....1. The introduction of shadow!!! 2. The great sonic music(probably his best). 3. The stages are great. 4. The use of permanent power-ups to complete certain missions(this applies to sonic adventure dx as well, i forgot before). 5. Another of sonic's famous storylines(also used in SonicX after the game came out). 6. A better chao system(the second of three sonic games to have the chao raising, this one is undoubtedly the best). 7. The amazing gameplay(the introduction of grinding and street boarding!). 8. The secret stage after you get all 180 emblems(a recreation of green hill zone in 3-D, it rocks! Again, if I fix the video problem, I'll put it on here). It was really hard to pick between this game and my #1, so keep that in mind.

My top 10 fav. sonic games #3

Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut

The dreamcast version's playability was good, but I like this one better because....1. The graphics are better(the mouth moving is terrible, but very funny at times). 2. The game runs smoother. 3. The stages are graphically enhanced(sort of, but they look pretty good). 4. Mission mode and the mini-game collection are included in this game. 5. This game holds a big benchmark for one of sonic's most well knownadventures.Plus I've always liked the fact that you can roam the areas and this game is also one of the rare 3 sonic games that lets you raise chao pets(extremely addictive). ALSO!!! I've uploaded a photo that shows my paper mario and kirby drawings. Check it out in my images, please? Later!

My top 10 fav. sonic games #4

Sonic Riders

I've had lots of fun with this game. The fast paced gameplay, the cool airboards(like they need them, but still), the characters you can use, the environments are nicely done, the story is interesting, and the beginning anime clip is really cool. Anyone could have a good time with this game.

My top 10 fav. sonic games #5

Sonic Heroes

This is a solid platformer, because it has a cool story(all the team's stories eventually tie in), the gameplay is creative, the graphics are good, the environments are bold,the characters are paired up nicely in the teams,and the music is catchy. There is a secret cheat too....If I can, I'll make a short movie of it and put it on here.

My top 10 fav. sonic games #6

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

This is a great rpg with the sonic cast and I've really enjoyed it. The battles are fun, the story is interesting, the music is catchy, and the environments are pretty good. This isn't for everyone, but sonic fans will definately like it.