This better be cross buy, or I'm not buying any of this crap. They could of at least picked hard to find PS2 games like Atlier Iris Trilogy or Wild Arms Alter Code F.
I agree with her on this... Sexism really isn't the issue when you think about it, it's the media perpetuating that Men only play video games and are basement women hating devils. Just as Amy Hennig Stated, women are afraid and uninterested (as the real cause would seem in comparison with this interview). I believe women to some degree believe that there is a concentrated effort to keep them out and that narrative itself is keeping them out. I mean, if I heard a certain group of people stole everything all the time, I think I would start to become fearful of those people. If you want more women in this industry, then we have to stop looking for reasons to blame men.
"There are no women on the stage at this conference Grumble Grumble" - When you make a big deal out of that it does not help women.
"These characters showcase an unreal standard of beauty for women" - Don't you think you're telling women who enjoy their sexuality and good looks that they are somehow lesser ?
I'm sure there are many of the usual suspects hitting the headlines that just shape the gaming industry disingenuously. If we want to be recognized as an art form, we cannot rely on outsiders to dictate exactly what art is, and we can not let people simply plow through the industry unchallenged when those ideas call out gaming. You may think that you're helping when you point out "Perceived" sexism, but what you're really doing is holding up Negativity over Positivity.
@mirage_so3 @megamatics I used to go to Polygon, but their reviews are totally unreadable... They pack in so much bias that it makes it hard to take seriously. I can't even name a good review from recent memory...
@rustedoldwagon AI attributes to the total immersion of a game, and since this game creeps in on some Horror Elements, it needs Ai that keeps the experience just what it is.
The Last of Us Fanbase is extremely pretentious... There was no way this was going to turn into any rational discussion. Utter Clickbait achieved. Reviews in this Era of gaming matter so little, The rating scale is skewed and so is the way they choose to critique games. They introduce politics only as a means to stir up controversy, and this is the storm you get.
Me ? I'm just watching the Fanboys eat themselves over something so minuscule.
megamatics' comments