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Finally, I finished my 2 projects, and games

Whoo!!! At last, I've finally finished that freaking script, with a story of a psyscho, I want to ask your opinion about it, so here it is:

The House and the Psycho

Friday, 9:30am, March 13, 2009, Place: at home

The old house on top of the hill, still as controversial as ever, has taken another group of victims, but for the student Martin – 16 years old -, this is the best school project that can be done, the idea of the project is to film a short movie, and Martin's group picked HORROR as a genre, so Martin told his group mates while chatting on the internet that this is going to be the best project ever.

Martin: I've finally chosen a destination, guys, we're going to film the short movie at the so called "haunted" house on top of the hill, you know, the one that 3 guys died on last week.

Billy: Huh? You mean the doomed one?

Martin: Yeah, why not? I can't think of any other place proper for a horror movie than that.

John: Yeah, sure, but don't blame us if we can't get out of that house after the filming.

Steve: What? John, you're accepting?

John: Sure, if it can't keep Martin quiet, nothing will.

Billy: I think John's right.

Steve: Ok, but will someone please bring some "weapons"?

Martin: I'll bring you a Swiss knife anytime. *laughs*

Steve: I'm serious.

Billy: Oh, come on, there's nothing to worry about, we'll be fine in no time.

Martin: Alright then, so later, 12 noon, be on the bottom of the hill. Bye.

So then, Martin, being the adventurous type, brought everything he needed, cameras, lights, cellphones. Unaware that he should've brought a knife instead. Steve, on the other hand, brought a knife, a rosary, a bible, and a bottle of holy water. And, before he left his house, he prayed that they all be safe.

Friday, 11:50 am, March 13, 2009. Place: Bottom of hill.

Billy: Look what we have here. Steve! Pretty excited huh? You're the first one to come here, so… Did you bring a camera?

Steve: Yes, I brought one.

Martin: So… All of you brought your own cameras? We need different shots of the house, starting from here, John, did you bring the script?

John: Not script, dude, scripts! I brought one for everyone, just to make this a good experience. *snickers*

Martin: I also brought along a laptop and speaker, for the creepy background music.

Billy: Great! Shall we start now?

Steve: Come on, we don't want to take time here till 6pm, as long as its early, lets film it. I don't want you to go disappearing after this filming.

John: Why should we? You're so precautious Steve, tsk, as if you believe the stories about this house.

Steve: Yeah, sure, whatever.

And so the filming went smoothly, the sounds were great, the acting rocks, and everyone cooperated, the day of the submission arrived, they showed the video to their teacher, he was surprised to see the good video they made.

Sunday, 2:18pm, Place: School, Mr. Santos' CIass

Mr. Santos: I'm surprised Martin, this movie was great, especially the special effects you put in, the lady in white that appeared at your back almost scared the heck out of me. Haha, nice job,

Martin: lady? What do you mean lady? Sir, there's no lady in the video.

Mr. Santos: Oh sure there isn't, hahaha, that's an old prank boy, just watch your copy of the video when you get home. And anyways, the girl's special effect was great, but not pretty slick with the story, same with the other appearances of "ghosts" with the other characters, was that supposed to be a bonus?

Martin: I think so. But I'm not sure.

Mr. Santos: Sure, alright.

Martin, still thinking about what Mr. Santos told him, went home after the dismissal bell, then called Steve.

Sunday, 3:00om, Place: Home

Martin: Steve, did you watch the video?

Steve: Yes, I was creeped out with what you did, I didn't notice you putting a lady at your back and the other characters. Hahaha.

Martin: Steve, I didn't put any ghosts, and I didn't assign anybody to do that, the only thing that was scary was the house itself, no ghosts or anything.

Steve: Yeah, sure, help yourself *laughs*, bye.

Martin: Wait! I'm serious!

The line went dead. Martin, still thinking, went to his room, reviewed the video again and again, there is no props used, nothing, no plans for haunted ghosts. But still, there were ghosts in the video. His phone rang, he answered the call, it was from John.

John: Man, you're not going to believe this, Billy, he's dead…

Martin: What? Dead? When?

John: Just this afternoon, after **** he reviewed the video, then he remembered leaving his phone at the house, then, their landline rang, it was his phone, he answered it, then boom, he's dead. There was no blood, he just fell to the ground. I was there, I witnessed it!

Martin: What?! No…

John: Wait, I got a call. Just a minute.

John answered the call, but Martin was still on the line, Martin heard John scream. Then the line was picked by someone else. It said "you're next" then the line went dead. Martin was so scared, he decided to have a sleep over with Steve, then there they were, 10pm, he asked Steve something.

Martin: Dude, what do you think happened? Are we being haunted or anything? We haven't done anything wrong, did we?

Steve: …

Martin: Steve, Steve! Are you alright?

Steve was dead. Martin turned Steve's body towards him, he was cold, but Steve looked at him with a smile but his eyes were closed.

Steve: I told you you were next!

Martin: NO!!! I don't wanna die!

Steve: I managed it all, from the house, to the props, that was my house you fool! Don't you remember me? I'm the psycho who escaped last August, mwahaha, they are all dead, I killed Billy and John, you are next Martin, you are next!!!

Martin died, and still, up to now, Steve is still roaming and killing anyone that goes near his house near the hill. He kills them all…

So... What do you think, is it already presentable? I only did it this afternoon, and I hope that our play tomorrow looks good. Pretty neat? I wish you all like it, and I hope my group gets a good great for that.

Well, anyway, I don't really have any good progress on games, because as I said, I don't really play anymore, for now, here are my current games and scores:

1. Tekken Dark Ressurection: 9.3/10

2. Final Fantasy: 7/10

3. Final Fantasy II: 7/10

4. Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions: 7/10

5. Burnout Legends - 9/10

6. Need for Speed Most Wanter 510 - 8/10

7. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - 6/10

8. Rengoku 2: Stairway to HEAVEN - 6.4/10

9. Killzone Liberation - 7/10

10. Coded Arms Contagion - 7.8/10

11. Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - 5/10

12. NBA Street Showdown - 8.5/10

13. Tokobots - 7/10

14. Megaman Powered Up - 8/10

Well, I guess that's it for now, ok bye. ^_^

A Blog after a month, greatest achievement in Tekken up to date

It's been some time since my last blog, wasn't it? I last posted on February 9, and after a month, I'm finally posting again, the reasons of me not posting blogs are: 1. Lack of time due to a MOUNTAIN of school works 2. LAZINESS 3. A network problem on gs 4. Posting blogs on other sites 5. Computer problems with my computer Well, it's our finals now, the 3rd grading, so I'm being loaded with a mountain of projects, tsk, I hardly have the time to rest nowadays, being the Grade 6 student that I am, I still try to get my hands on the computer if I have the time, but with all my hectic schedules, mostly the only reason I turn the computer on is for printing and research, I hardly have time to check other sites than Wikipedia, Google, and Yahoo. But it's all going to be pretty great, for after 3 months, I'm finally going to step up and be a high-school student at last. It's been pretty tough doing those freakin projects, I've been loaded with making skits, printing research data, making freakin collages, laminating pictures, and studying. It's been such a tough job my brain seems to overheat! Anyways, I think about it as something that is going to pay off after a year. I hope I get the chance to post more blogs soon, maybe I'm going to post after I finish making a horror script for English and an essay for Filipino. And can anyone please give me an idea for the horror script? I need a script for 5-6 persons, so I don't think a zombie outbreak would be good. I would really appreciate any help. (^_^) Has anyone else experienced the error on gamespot these past weeks? Last Friday, I thought about posting a blog here in gs but due to the error, the blog got delayed and I decided I would wait till the next week, so here I am now, but I want to ask if anybody else experienced the error. It was pretty frustrating, not being able to post on gs, I missed posting so I'm making a pretty long blog today, hehehe. For my greatest achievement in tekkenDR, I finished 101 battles straight with Armor King, no lose, with a time of 40 something minutes, some of you may call it good, but for me it just natural for an amateur to do that once in a while, :D, anyway, I got pretty tired of tekken and I don't think I'm going to play it anytime soon, I'm so busy to play. No time. Well, I think that's all for now, hope I can post a blog soon. See ya!

I'm back!, Burnout finished, another FF game, and my wish list. :D

First of all, I would like to welcome myself back to blogging, its been a while since my last blog wasn't it? Not that you care, but the reason I haven't posted a blog in those days was because of laziness, I frequently turn my computer on, check my YM, see some game reviews, check my page, but I'm too lazy to post a blog, :D. Sometimes, laziness really gets the best of me and makes me not do things, that's one good example, another is when I'm playing games, I get tired of a game easily when I don't like it very much, an example is the game Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology which I bought for Christmas, I got tired of it easily and it's just like what it said on the review that the game is pretty lame, I haven't been a fan of the Tales series and TWRD was my first Tales game, I would like to play other Tales games but until then, maybe I'll stick first to Tekken or NFSMW.

One of the many things that happened since my last blog was when I finished Burnout Legends' tour mode (race mode) in the carreer mode, I got gold in all races and I'm pretty happy about that, problem is, even though I played and finished the tour mode, I still have the crash mode to go, up until now, I've only finished about 20/100 crash events, so its gonna be a bit difficult to finish it throughly 100%.

Also, I bought a Final Fantasy II UMD just last Friday, that means I only have 3 more games to goto complete my PSP FF collection (Crisis Core and the upcoming Dissidia and Agito games). I feel pretty dissapointed that I can't buy myself a Crisis Core UMD, but what can I do? My weekly allowance only allows me to buy a bargain UMD each month! *groan* But really, I want to have that game, BADLY, but I think I can still wait for it to go on bargain from its current price of AED199 to the bargain price AED59,:p, that's gonna take some time...

Just yesterday, I wanted to buy another UMD but my parents stopped me, it was Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters which was on bargain, that means it is only AED59!!! I wanted them to buy it for me because I only have AED25 on my wallet, but my parents didn't go for that idea, damn did I want that UMD. A lot of my friendssaid that it is a good game, I believe in them butI need to face it, the copy I saw yesterday was the last one, I just hope that friggin game go on sale again one day...

Well, for my wishlist, here it is:

1. A computer with an i7 processor, GeForce GTX280 GPU, 4GB of RAM memory, and all the best computer hardware installed.

2. To complete my Final Fantasy collection in the near future.

3. A DSi

4. A 100" LCD TV MONITOR!!!! WHOO!!!!!!!!!!! or BIGGER!!!

5. an XBOX360

6. a PS3

7. All the UMDs I've been longing for!!!

8. 100,000,000,000,000$ that never run out, but LEGALLY

9. my very own Gundam machine

10. learn the ninjutsus of the guys in naruto, :D

11. world peace, :D

12. superpowers (?)

13. a mansion in the Philippines

14. intelligence

15. lastly, the stop of the global economical crisis

End of tests, Firing it up, Tekken Mania, Buster shots!, and Billy Talent

Whoohoo!!!! Finally! The day of the last tests is tomorrow, and I feel pretty confident! Tomorrow we're gonna have Filipino and Arabic, both language tests, so I think they're gonna be pretty easy. On the other hand, the tests we took these past days are pretty easy, except for one: UAE Social Studies, which we took just this morning, it's pretty tough because I haven't been able to review it just like the other subjects, but I'm pretty confident I'm gonna get a pretty high score above 89%.

Enough with the studies that no one cares about:P, just the other day, I borrowed a copy of Fired Up from my cIassmate while I let him borrow my Final Fantasy game. As of now, I still haven't played it :D.

In tekken, I'm nearing Dark Lord rank with King and Devil Jin, and I'm pretty excited!!! So now I'm playing it with both of them, If king loses, I use Devil Jin, and if I lose with Devil Jin, I use King.

Megaman Powered Up, I finished it with Megaman and Protoman (I only downloaded him from the Megaman Network... LoL!), beating the game with Protoman is pretty easy, just shoot everything and they get destroyed, the only time I experienced difficulty was with this robot boss in the 2nd part of Wily's fortress, other than that, It's pretty easy, even Wily himself is easy to beat with Protoman.

With Megaman, I finished it but I experienced some difficult parts, an example is ALL of the stages in Wily's fortress, LOL! Hehe, the reason I found them difficult is because I'm still not used to the stages and the boss attacks, a good example is the Yellow Devil: his attacks are pretty tough to identify at first, like where the blobs will hit and when you need to jump, I figured his attack pattern after about 10 minutes and I'm pretty happy with that. :D

After I've beaten the New StyIe on the normal difficulty, I unlocked Megaman C: an upgraded megaman featuring his Slide abilty from Megaman 3 onwards and his charge buster that was from Megaman 4 onwards. He's a bit easier better to use than his default form and he's worth the unlocking, especially if you want to try beating Megaman with a Megaman from Megaman 4. :D

Let's get to another topic, I recently found myself addicted to Billy Talent!!! Even now as I type this blog, I am listening to their songs, their songs are easy to like and the rhytm is great!!!

That's all, and I need to go, I still have a music tripping to do, :D

Another Dark Lord Rank, Blue Bombers, the Chaos Shrine, and some school works

Sup everyone? I recently got another dark lord rank in Tekken DR together with Lili and Heihachi, and the new Dark Lords member is no other than Dragunov. I still have Kazuya, Jin, Asuka, King, Armor King, and Devil Jin to go, soI still have a bit of button-slamming to do.

On the other hand, I recently bought a Megaman Powered Up UMD and I am still playing it now together with Tekken, depending on my mood. Although MPU's presentation is SOOOOOOO cute, the difficulty remains like a curse, so tough that you'll thank capcom there is an easy difficulty for you to get the hang of things. But still, if you really want a challenge, try beating it all with a Hard difficulty.

MPU's lifespan is pretty long, after you finish the game as Megaman, you can also finish it using other bosses you have beaten using Megaman's Mega Buster, if you manage to beat them with the buster, as in no other weapons, you'll get that boss repaired by Dr. Light for you to use. C'mon, whoever didn't want to play as Cutman or Gutsman?

THere is a mode called Construction Mode: you can create your own stages, play through them, and upload it to other players around the world. There's also 2 main games to choose from: New Style and Old style. New style is just like a new version of Megaman and you get to play new stages, and of course, just like I said before, you can play as the bosses here in this mode. On the other hand, Old Style is just a remake of the original Megaman game with only graphics as difference.

When I ain't bombing Wily or kicking Heihachi's ass, I spend my time playing Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition for the PSP, I progressed all the way to the last shrine, but I still haven't finished it because I'm currently plating through the Soul of Chaos dungeons and I am spending a lot of time playing through them, I plan on finishing it too after a while, but I think I'll make more characters Dark Lords for now.

BTW, the reason I was away for some time is because of school work, and maybe my next post maybe a week later because of school work, maybe I'll post a blog sooner, but that's if my schedule isn't so hectic and I'm not so tired from school. Math, English, Filipino, etc. I'm doing pretty good on my studies getting only a mistake or sometimes even none in seatworks and such, so I don't want to get a low grade for being lazy and playing too much, so I think I'm gonna study some more, bye!

Music Madness and my Guitarist progress

Before I've posted this blog, I was listening to my favorite songs (Rock n roll), and I've decided to post a blog about this.

Most of the rock and roll songs I have are metal and hard rock, but I also got a collection of punk, ska, glam, and JPOP. However, metal seems to be my favorite genre of music since September 2007, and my music playlist in my phone mostly consists of Metallica, and a few songs of other bands (including Tagalog ones) and a few JPOP songs (even though I'm not Japanese or anything, I listen to JPOP because I like their music). My PSP also contains songs, but they're mostly JPOP or JROCK.

I've been a music lover since birth, and some of the first songs I heard were from Deep Purple, Metallica, Megadeth, and other great bands, because my dad plays them so much even though Hip-hop was on its way to fame at that time, I've also became a HipHop, but only for sometime, then eventually began to take the route I started to walk (and crawl) as a baby: to be a rocker, this eventually led me to an intersection, where I pick from drums and guitar, I chose the second option, and it led me to where I am now: playing and admiring guitar riffs by Slash, Paul Gilbert, and other famous guitarists. I took this path because I wanted to learn how to play every instrument in a rock band (drums, guitar, keyboards, bass). I started ro learn gow to play the drums a few years ago, and I can play basic beats, and some songs with a good beat. With the guitar, I started since Late 2007, when my dad bought me an acoustic guitar as a present for my birthday (as i remember it), I started strumming it a bit, practicing some basic songs, practicing scales (although I still haven't mastered and memorized them all), and some Led Zeppelin songs.

July 2008, my dad bought me another guitar, this time an electric (another birthday present and an answer to my reqests :-D). This time, I played a bit of songs by Metallica,including Enter Sandman (one of the first Metallica song I mastered), I can't play the solo good enough yet, but I tried and tried until now: I still haven't been able to master it! LoL! I can play a number of songs by Metallica, mostly from their most recent album Death Magnetic, but I still can't master the solos. :-( I tried everything from tabs to video lessons, but still failed in doing those freakin solos.

Another song I'm studying right now is Sweet Child o Mine by Guns n Roses, I can play the opening riff until the chords, but again, no luck with the freakin solo! Sometimes I tried playing punk songs, I found that cool! and I'm currently studying Billy Talent and Paramore.

Even though it's tough, I can try, "Practice Makes Perfect" right?

10 of my all-time favorite games

I can't stop thinking about my top and worst games last night before sleeping, so I decided to post a blog about this, and while I'm doing this blog, I'm doing a colage for school! Lol!


1. Breath of Fire III for PSX/PS1

Here it is, my favorite game ever, from the first time I saw my brother playing it (I was like, 7 or 8 at that time), I knew I had to play it, and last time I played it was 2005-2006, but I still remember it pretty clearly, from the dragon names and the humorous parts of the game, I still remember it. I realy, really liked this game, I think it's the reason I'm a RPG fan now! Since I got my PS1, I played it, watched th Intro, played it some more, and before I knew it, 3 hours had gone! I wanted to play some more, but I stopped myself. I've already finished this game about 4-6 times, and I still plan on buying the game for the PSP, truly a great game indeed. I strongly recommend it for RPG fans!

2. Final Fantasy VII for the PSX

Oh, not a surprise to see FF7 on an RPG fan's best game list, isn't it? Well, I finished this only once, my PS1 broke, and I wish I can still play it again, just like I played BOF3. I can still remember its story pretty clearly, and I want to play it some more! I think the reason I want to play it again is because I haven't gotten Vincent on my first playthrough, I finished Sephiroth (sorry for the spoiler if you didn't know who the last boss is) using Cloud, Barreth, and Tifa, and I want to defeat him again using Cloud Yuffie, and Vincent. Sigh, I wish I can play this again...

3. TIE! Tekken 5 and Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection for both PS2 and PSP

Two great fighting games, + one great 3rd rank, I put them in a tie situation because I played both of them, and liked them equally, I'm still playing both of them now, and I want to play Tekken 6 so badly, I hope they release Tekken 6 for the PS2 and PSP.

4. Megaman X5 for the PSX

A great side-scrolling game from a great developer (Capcom, they also made BOF3, What else can I say? I finished it 3-4 times and I still want to play it, I finished the game with all armors except the default X armor, and I used both Zero and Black Zero. PSP port? Capcom? I say yes.

5. Final Fantasy X2 for the PS2

Another Squaregame made it to my list! Well, even though I haven't played FFX, I still put FFX2 in this list because I liked it, maybe I'll play FFX soon, and finish it.

the other 5:

6. Megaman Zero 3 for GBA

7. Warcraft 3 for PC

8. Final Fantasy XII for the PS2

9. TIE! Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2 and Guitar Hero 3 -ps2

10. Final Fantasy I for the PSP

Happy New Year Gamespotters!!!

Whoa, it's almost New Year, here in the UAE, we're waiting for only 3 hours more, while in the Philippines they're already celebrating new year.

Well, because it's new year, I guess I can lend some of my time to posting a blog on one of my favorite sites: Gamespot. And my topic's going to be about a half-an-hour reminiscing about 2008, 2008 has been a fun year for me, even with the global financial crisis affecting every single country it can, thank God UAE hasn't been that affected and my dad's job is going great!!! In my studies, though, I also am doing great, but recently I only placed 8th on ranking, whereas last year I managed to get to top 3, I'm pretty dissapointed with that, but what better thing to do but study hard for the remaining months? Hehe, enough with my nerd talk, let's go to my game progress:


I played a lot of games this year, and finished only a little, I've played everything from shooters to RPG's, RPG's being my faves. The PS2 I use is my older brother's, and he studies college in the Philippines, me and my family only goes there twice a year, so I have a limited time to play there, : (

BTW, this list is about my favorite games that I've finished and playing now, within 2008,

Burnout Revenge for PS2

Last time played: about April 2008

I already finished it and got about 5 special unlockable cars, but I haven't been able to play it since I started playing my PSP. Burnout Revenge is a really addicting racing game of racing and destruction, it's like Need for Speed playing battle royale, my favorite mode in this game is traffic attack, where you drive your car like a psycho and bump into traffic, this is great if you're looking for something new in racing games. Another great feature of this game is the seemingly endless ranking where you need to get medals in order to fill a gauge that's used to rank you up, I finally got to the top rank (I think): the eleventh rank, I think that's Dominator, I forgot already, hehe. Anyway, I recommend this game to racing game fanatics and thosewho want to hve a good time wrecking through traffic.


Tekken 5 for PS2

Last time played: July something

Another great game, Tekken 5 is just a great game, graphics are great, gameplay is great, and story is also great (not to mention the chicks that appear in the game. I just love how this game plays,I mastered about 4 character's 10-hit combo, and whenever I execute those combos, I just feel great! Finishing the story mode with all characters is pretty easy, but making them all Tekken Lords (the highest rank in the game which is achieved by fighting again and again in Arcade mode and winning promotion chances) can take a lot of time and patience, especially when you get frustrated easily. As for me though, I achieved Tekken Lord with Devil Jin, only to find out next day that my game data got corrupted, so I repeated all the things I have done, again, from finishing Story Mode to unlocking Devil Jin again in the Devil Within mode (a mini game you can play that takes on the role of Jin as you find out more about his Devil gene. Anyway,This game is great, and I'm not going to get tired in saying how great it is. PLAY THIS GAME!!!!

MY RATING: 10/10

Final Fantasy X-2 for PS2

Last time played: back in the Philippines on January 2008

Whoa, Final Fantasy, my fave! Although I haven't played Final Fantasy X, but that didn't stop me from playing this game (the reason I haven't played FFX is because the PS2 I use is my brother's, but he has no copy of FFX, being a solid FF fan, though, I still played this game). This game is so freakin awesome, and one of my all-time faves, but I also want to play FFX. It's awesome with graphics, sound, gameplay, story, and all you can wish for, it has a good replay value if you want to collect all those job thingies, like me, I haven't been able to get all jobs in my first playthrough, so when I come back to the Philippines, I'm going to play it again.

MY RATING: 10/10

Well, I think that's about it, more on it tomorrow!

oh yeah!!!!!

I recently became a Dark Lord in Tekken DR using Heihachi, while Dragunov is stuck in the Raijin rank, and yeah, I have about 235 wins and 2 lose with Heihachi when I got the Dark Lord rank, I planned on having a no lose record, but I failed in doing that : (. Anyway, having a 2 lose record doesn't really mean that I'm a tekken master, but that's because of my strategy; I immediately hit start+select just before I reach 0HP, LOL!!! With Dragunov though, I'm stuck with about 80 lost, and about 450 wins, but I'm still stuck in Raijin. I'm planning on making Lili, Jin, Devil Jin, Kazuya, Asuka, and more characters to Dark Lord rank. Wish me luck, : )

Oh yeah, and the biggest news; I got a 4 UMDs earlier for 138 DHS!!!! It's because of an offer in an electronics shop here in the UAE, there were a number of games to choose from, and they're all in two game pack. Here they are:

1. Hot Pixel + Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

2. Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles + Infected

3. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology + ChessMaster

4. Coded Arms Contagion + Rengoku 2: Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N.

I got both 3 and 4, but I didn't want Chessmaster, so I still haven't opened it's pack and still completely sealed, I'm planning on selling it to my friends or in the internet.

I think that's all for today . thanks 4 reading!

Cars, UMDs, and Music games

I finally got my copy of BurnOut Legends, It was a tough choice when I was choosing which Burnout game to buy, and I picked Legends rather than Dominator, but I'm also thinking of getting Dominator after I collect some money from my allowance, but that's gonna be a while because it's currently our Christmas vacation, and my parents only give me my allowance on school days, :-(. Anyway, when school days start, maybe I'm going to save money for a UMD, maybe I'll buy:


Megaman Powered Up

Maverick Hunter X

or Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core.

All the games I've listed above are games I like, therefore I'm having a hard time on picking one to save my money on, but the game I like the most from that list is Crisis Core, but it's also the most expensive, :-( it's about 169UAE Dirhams, while Burnout is only 59Dh, Maverick Hunter X and Megaman Powered Up are both about 80AED, big difference, mainly because 1 dollar is about 3 dh, it's a big difference, and my weekly allowance is only 20 Dirhams, arghh!! It's gonna take a whole year to save money for Crisis Core!!!!

I've gathered info that there's gonna be a Metallica Guitar Hero next year! Since Metallicais one of my favorite bands, I'm looking forward to next year, and also there's rumor about a Beatles game, I'm also looking forward to this game and I wish they release this also for the PS2, but I doubt that.