Whoo!!! At last, I've finally finished that freaking script, with a story of a psyscho, I want to ask your opinion about it, so here it is:
The House and the Psycho
Friday, 9:30am, March 13, 2009, Place: at home The old house on top of the hill, still as controversial as ever, has taken another group of victims, but for the student Martin – 16 years old -, this is the best school project that can be done, the idea of the project is to film a short movie, and Martin's group picked HORROR as a genre, so Martin told his group mates while chatting on the internet that this is going to be the best project ever. Martin: I've finally chosen a destination, guys, we're going to film the short movie at the so called "haunted" house on top of the hill, you know, the one that 3 guys died on last week. Billy: Huh? You mean the doomed one? Martin: Yeah, why not? I can't think of any other place proper for a horror movie than that. John: Yeah, sure, but don't blame us if we can't get out of that house after the filming. Steve: What? John, you're accepting? John: Sure, if it can't keep Martin quiet, nothing will. Billy: I think John's right. Steve: Ok, but will someone please bring some "weapons"? Martin: I'll bring you a Swiss knife anytime. *laughs* Steve: I'm serious. Billy: Oh, come on, there's nothing to worry about, we'll be fine in no time. Martin: Alright then, so later, 12 noon, be on the bottom of the hill. Bye. So then, Martin, being the adventurous type, brought everything he needed, cameras, lights, cellphones. Unaware that he should've brought a knife instead. Steve, on the other hand, brought a knife, a rosary, a bible, and a bottle of holy water. And, before he left his house, he prayed that they all be safe. Friday, 11:50 am, March 13, 2009. Place: Bottom of hill. Billy: Look what we have here. Steve! Pretty excited huh? You're the first one to come here, so… Did you bring a camera? Steve: Yes, I brought one. Martin: So… All of you brought your own cameras? We need different shots of the house, starting from here, John, did you bring the script? John: Not script, dude, scripts! I brought one for everyone, just to make this a good experience. *snickers* Martin: I also brought along a laptop and speaker, for the creepy background music. Billy: Great! Shall we start now? Steve: Come on, we don't want to take time here till 6pm, as long as its early, lets film it. I don't want you to go disappearing after this filming. John: Why should we? You're so precautious Steve, tsk, as if you believe the stories about this house. Steve: Yeah, sure, whatever. And so the filming went smoothly, the sounds were great, the acting rocks, and everyone cooperated, the day of the submission arrived, they showed the video to their teacher, he was surprised to see the good video they made. Sunday, 2:18pm, Place: School, Mr. Santos' CIass Mr. Santos: I'm surprised Martin, this movie was great, especially the special effects you put in, the lady in white that appeared at your back almost scared the heck out of me. Haha, nice job, Martin: lady? What do you mean lady? Sir, there's no lady in the video. Mr. Santos: Oh sure there isn't, hahaha, that's an old prank boy, just watch your copy of the video when you get home. And anyways, the girl's special effect was great, but not pretty slick with the story, same with the other appearances of "ghosts" with the other characters, was that supposed to be a bonus? Martin: I think so. But I'm not sure. Mr. Santos: Sure, alright. Martin, still thinking about what Mr. Santos told him, went home after the dismissal bell, then called Steve. Sunday, 3:00om, Place: Home Martin: Steve, did you watch the video? Steve: Yes, I was creeped out with what you did, I didn't notice you putting a lady at your back and the other characters. Hahaha. Martin: Steve, I didn't put any ghosts, and I didn't assign anybody to do that, the only thing that was scary was the house itself, no ghosts or anything. Steve: Yeah, sure, help yourself *laughs*, bye. Martin: Wait! I'm serious! The line went dead. Martin, still thinking, went to his room, reviewed the video again and again, there is no props used, nothing, no plans for haunted ghosts. But still, there were ghosts in the video. His phone rang, he answered the call, it was from John. John: Man, you're not going to believe this, Billy, he's dead… Martin: What? Dead? When? John: Just this afternoon, after **** he reviewed the video, then he remembered leaving his phone at the house, then, their landline rang, it was his phone, he answered it, then boom, he's dead. There was no blood, he just fell to the ground. I was there, I witnessed it! Martin: What?! No… John: Wait, I got a call. Just a minute. John answered the call, but Martin was still on the line, Martin heard John scream. Then the line was picked by someone else. It said "you're next" then the line went dead. Martin was so scared, he decided to have a sleep over with Steve, then there they were, 10pm, he asked Steve something. Martin: Dude, what do you think happened? Are we being haunted or anything? We haven't done anything wrong, did we? Steve: … Martin: Steve, Steve! Are you alright? Steve was dead. Martin turned Steve's body towards him, he was cold, but Steve looked at him with a smile but his eyes were closed. Steve: I told you you were next! Martin: NO!!! I don't wanna die! Steve: I managed it all, from the house, to the props, that was my house you fool! Don't you remember me? I'm the psycho who escaped last August, mwahaha, they are all dead, I killed Billy and John, you are next Martin, you are next!!! Martin died, and still, up to now, Steve is still roaming and killing anyone that goes near his house near the hill. He kills them all… So... What do you think, is it already presentable? I only did it this afternoon, and I hope that our play tomorrow looks good. Pretty neat? I wish you all like it, and I hope my group gets a good great for that. Well, anyway, I don't really have any good progress on games, because as I said, I don't really play anymore, for now, here are my current games and scores: 1. Tekken Dark Ressurection: 9.3/10 2. Final Fantasy: 7/10 3. Final Fantasy II: 7/10 4. Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions: 7/10 5. Burnout Legends - 9/10 6. Need for Speed Most Wanter 510 - 8/10 7. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology - 6/10 8. Rengoku 2: Stairway to HEAVEN - 6.4/10 9. Killzone Liberation - 7/10 10. Coded Arms Contagion - 7.8/10 11. Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - 5/10 12. NBA Street Showdown - 8.5/10 13. Tokobots - 7/10 14. Megaman Powered Up - 8/10 Well, I guess that's it for now, ok bye. ^_^
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