@ZeroX91 this game engine is a bit more forgiving for systems that don't have the latest tech on them. They have a benchmark program you can run to see if your system will work as well.
I get what Mr. Miyamoto is saying, yet Nintendo has been guilty with their main franchises as well to some degree. One thing though, is that Nintendo has always went out of their way to try and make the console part of the experience and not just the next fastest or graphical power house out there.
I mean look at all the tech they have tried to make the gaming experience fun and different. Some examples would be the Rob robot from NES, the Power Glove, the Virtual Boy and getting into 3-D, Now motion controllers, touch pads and the 3D Ds. Remember back in the 80's they called the NES in Japan the Famicom (family computer). They have always been trying to find ways for the family to play and entertain together. Look at Microsoft and Sony borrowing many ideas from what Nintendo has already done.
I would still be cautious. As referred to in the report, Microsoft changed their "Policies" regarding all of this. Anyone that has worked for any company knows that "Policies" can be changed an altered at anytime. This is why companies always have you sign or agree to their terms. So this may seem all hunky dory now, but mark my words that going forward things will likely change again. Read your license agreement! I mean who really is going to trust Microsoft anymore after this? The tech is in the system and their servers to monitor everything, they were one of the companies being used by the government to scoop data for the Prism program, heck even back in the 90's they were being sued for monopoly practices.... there's a lot to think about.
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