@jellyman68 @mellow09 I think I get why you are so offended by people calling the reviewer, as you say, 'stupid, lacking in intelligence and common sense.'
@jellyman68 The guy couldn't figure out that you USE an effigy to turn human ... one of the very first messages in the game tells you to do this. Plus the description of the item says this:"A warm, soft, shadow-like effigy. Use this item to reverse Hollowing. It also weakens the links to other worlds, preventing invasions and most cooperation." And when you try to burn an effigy it tells you that doing so prevents invasions. So, it's unfortunate that people are saying he lacks intelligence or common sense, but it's true.
@Rammone4 The combat and difficulty is nothing like the dark games. The dark games features weighty combat that places and emphasis on timing. This game features floaty combat that has an emphasis on ... um ... back dashing. The difficulty of the dark games come from the aggressiveness of enemies + environment + the exploitation of your recovery, which results in your potential death in most enemy encounters. The difficulty in this game comes from a decrease in your attack power and an increase in the enemy hp. It's cheap and annoying.
@BravoOneActual I watched a let's play and can certainly say that this game is atrocious, and I'm sad to say so. From what I gather a small team made this and it's pretty amazing feat for a small team, but they bit off more than they could chew. The combat is the simplest kind of hack and slash. Enemies are almost completely non-responsive to your attacks (staggering, adjusting their position or movement). The story is an exposition heavy, bland, unearned and undefined mess. Everything feels like a corridor. The dialogue could be out of a B-movie (a really bad B-movie). And the voice acting ... ugh. Emotionless to the point that there isn't even inflections.
If the combat wasn't so frustratingly boring I'd say this game had a 'so bad it's good' vibe.
@Daemoroth Dude, I love chess but your comment is absurd. W/o someone literally telling you what to do you'd not have clue what any pieces do, or the squares mean. Nor would you know about en passant or castling.
This is rather long considering you could have said it in two sentences. Dark Souls 2 requires you to pay attention to detail, explore the world fully and is hard. If you want to a hand-holding, simplified experience this game is not for you. And frankly, if you're used to the later you might not even have the basic skills to play this game.
While six is my favorite I'd strongly suggest going with ten or nine first. Ten nailed the story and atmosphere; Nine nailed the exploration and roles. Six is the perfect mix of everything, once you've gotten used to it all. But starting at 13, ouch. That's some serious punishment.
mellow09's comments