@ShoTTyMcNaDeS Owning a PC digital game is radically different than 'owning' a digital download game. Steam is the closest you'll get but they offer worth value, these console makes don't even come close.
It shows how little these guys learned when they're still talking about digital only and still debating in what ways they'll allow trading and what not. They never got that WE own the things we buy, not them.
@SkytheWiz1 . . . what? Are you nuts? This game's been near unplayable for 10 days depending on your server, and at least 5 if you're on a 'good' server. SE extending the trial by 7 days doesn't even remotely cover that wasted time. And say what you want about EA but when Sim City launched like hell they gave a free game away.
@Akijo @BovineDivine Biggest Asian launch. And they knew how many people were picking this up, the servers died in the early access (which was only for pre-orders). The vast majority of their other sales were from their shipped disks. SE took out less serves to recap more budget, they knowingly screwed the customers.
@Xenrathe "I think MMO players need to accept server-issues upon release as standard fare." -Name the MMOs that have had server failures in the past five years. For your frame of reference 30 total mmos have been released this year.
@StonerDemon You want a review? It's mediocre. There are zero new ideas here and the ones they took from other games weren't implemented as well as those other games. Combat's a boring, nonstrategic mess. Zero customization. A shallow world. Fetch quests. Forced party play (ie, you are forced to have a mage, 2 dps, 1 tank). It might be worth playing in spurts if it were f2p but since it's not. 6.5 is going to be your average score, unless they take this server crap into account.
mellow09's comments