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memberthirteen Blog

Condemned: Criminal origins

What I have been doing in my most recent time has been playing Condemned: Criminal Origins (by Monolith productions, Published by SEGA). This is seriously an awesome game with a fantastic storyline. Thankfully, the game is not as scary as I once thought, and I am not scared by games, usually, and this game is freaky, I can tell you that. The eerie mood and constant combat with the unknown is extremely addictive. I think that this game deserves more recognition with the potential it has, and although I have not played the sequal, I'd give anything to do so.

A Friend Will Be Forever Missed. R.I.P. Omnislash667

A good friend and fellow member of GameSpot, Omnislash667, has passed away, and although I only knew him through a game site, I will Never forget the creative ideas and amazing things he did for us, be it in our unions or just being a good friend. I will never forget this friend ever as his memory will never die.

Rest in Peace My friend, we will all miss you.

Im back. For sure.

yeah 30stm is the best im goona say this until its embedded in evryone's mind. now, I am active in my favourate union (and the only one i post in) the FFKHU (final fantasy and kingdom hearts union) and it is the best. also, ray4594 is a loser who is goona get his ass kicked by me at school tomorrow. but anyways.... school sucks. i have 2 assignments (english and science) and my teachers suck (except for science, well yeah she does suck, but i never keep my eyes on my work, if u know what i mean*wink* and yeah thats it ima t 7900 gamerscore ima rank that up this weekend

30 seconds to Mars DOESNT blow

After a long while of listening to theirgreat music I have come to realize that they are awesome. Their music is good and I am nowin lovewith their music. There isnt much to say about this but to warn you, if you do not listen 30 seconds to Mars, I will hunt you down.

Why are you doing this to me?

As you may have thought, the title of this blog has no real connection with the meaning of this blog, aside from the fact that I have my exams on the 21st!!! I hate exams (especially math because honestly, who gives a s***). So first off I have P.E., which I don't even know if theirs an exam for it, but still. Then I have Geography and aside from the fact that I have a GIANT ASS project due 1 day before the exam, that class is fine. Then I have my French exam (because I am canadian... stupid french.) and that is going to be a b**** because I don't understand anything. Just talk in english for God's sake. Is that so hard? No, it isn't so F*** french. Then I have math (yeah save the best for last, A**holes.) and if that wasn't enough, we have 2 slightly smaller tests before the exam, and aside from the fact that each takes 1 hour EACH, Im not that mad. so that plus the exam, I'm looking at about 4 hours of math tests. WHAT THE F***! I hate math and everything about (although I like the people in my math class) But, If math was a person, I would stab it in the heart and then feed it its own intestines.Im serious. screw math. But after that its ok I guess because I have a whole new semester to look forward to. I mean tech is easy, just play on the computer all day. then english (which i've liked in the past), then damn science and then religion. RELIGION! I am not religious! I don't have a religion. So, basicslly, that class is just some ass preaching to me, which I can handle, as long as he doesn't pull out the "have you heard the good news" BS. GOD I hate school. school=Ass.

30 Seconds To mars (album)

Well since it has been a while since I did a blog and this is such an interesting topic (IMO) then lets get started on the 30 SECONDS TO MARS album.

1st is Capricorn (a brand new name) and is 3:53 long. It has a special meaning (though I don't know what) and the video is very cool (and somewhat questionable) but anyways it is way cool and is way heavier than any of the new stuff, because basically all the new songs arent as heavy as the old stuff, but alas...

2nd is edge of the earth and is 4:365 long (get it) and seriously, it says 4:365 on the album so it aint my joke... yet. but anywayz... this song has a cool meaning like something about the edge of the earth, and like a new future, which is mainly the theme of this album, so with that said, lets go on.

3rd is fallen, and is 4:57 long. Now this song is different in the sense that it has that build up feeling and then expliodes in the end. to be honest with you, whenever I hear this song, I just think of a white empty room, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but its cool. It also has a good meaning by which is has a like "who are you" kinda meaning... so,

4th is Oblivion and is 3:27 long, and is my favourite song off this album and my 2nd fave 30STM song ever. This is like even better battle music than "battle of one" and has like a cool guitar thing but I cant explain it now.Did I mention Oblivion is my favourite word? but I digress. This song is so good, and if you listen you'll hear the sentence "Unity divides, Divion will unite" or something along those lines in numerous songs on this album, and is a pretty cool lyric if you ask me, and if you were also paying attention this song has the longest description so there, its that good.

5th is Buddha For Mary, and is 5:43 long, and is so cool, and Im sorry if this insults your religious beleifs and stuff cuz I agree with song, in like the lyrics and stuff, so you'll understand it if you hear it, and the beginning is weird, like it sounds like a robot, but is still cool.

6th is Echelon and is 5:47 and is soooooo good its like nuts (no not like that) and is slow and long I must admit, but it has a cool meaning, like change in the world and a new future. I LOVE IT.

7th is Welcome To The Universe, and is 2:38 and is so good (and heavy) and if you look at my posts in other union and stuff, I say "welcome to the universe" alot. I think this ahs a cool meaning, like welcome to a new world and stuff, once again, smae meaning.

8th is The Mission and is like my 3rd fave 30STM song ever and is also great battle music, and is like a weird unknown meaning i cant explain, but still cool.also it 4:02

9th is End Of The Beginning, and is 4:37 long. Now, trust me when I say The Mission and End Of The Beginning go together like bread and butter so if you listen to one listen to the other too. Meaning:Unkown. maybe like end of the earth (cool)

10th is 93 Million Miles, and is like my 4th fave 30stm song, actually no, tied with the mission. anyways its 5:18 and is like so aweome and the lyrics make no sense but thats whats good about it.

11th (and last) is Year Zero and is 7:52 (holy S***) and is really 2 songs in one. it has a meaning like being a hero (rhymes with zero)*wink* and has a secret song called "the Struggle" attached at the end and sounds like a robot and the song (year zero) is pretty heavy

WELL, that's it and I hope you enjoyed this album. just remeber , This is where it all started.

Welcome To The Universe

A Beautiful Lie

Well since i am still majorly bored, i am going to explain each song on the beatiful lie album (hehe bum) but anyways. 1ST is attack, which was intended as a joke but later made into a moderate success. It has good flowing lyrics, but pertains to a sexual meaning (nuf said). 2ND is ummm damn i forgot. ummm O yeah a beautiful lie (duh!) and this song has a slower feeling and a very deep sound (like touching deep) and it has to do with like discovering who you really are and how you can't hide or LIE about who you really are. 3RD is the kill (AKA their biggest song, not IMO) and it has the same type of meaning as a beautiful lie. though the video is quite intersting (and freaky, and weird) the sound of it is just untouchable.4TH is the fantasy which near the middle of the song is the best 30 seconds (to mars) of any song i have ever heard. seriously listen up till the second chorus and he starts doing this thing where it sounds like he's talking, and OMG its sooo good. 5TH is ummm wait the fantasy is 5TH nevermind was it a dream? is 4TH so just pretend i switched them. now was it a dream? has like a thunderstorm in the backround which sounds cool and the break in the middle is like the fantasy where it sounds just amazing (though it isnt as good or as long) OK 6TH is savior which is much faster and repetitive and has lyrics about like how nobody can save you only you can and how you can't trust everybody. Now 7TH is my most favourite 30STM song, but ill try not to ramble. It is called "from yesterday" and has awesome lyrics, and guitar and drums and it is soooo good and it is their second biggest song. It is about like im not that sure actually, i always get caught in the lyrics i cant think it through. but still it is awesome. 8TH is the story which has some lyrics about like the story of his life (not the real story) and what is going on and stuff and is much like the fantasy. 9TH is R-Evolve which is a slow song but has so many good lyrics and sounds great. I talks abot a revolution that is coming, and how we will evolve in it. (hint hint NWO) 10TH is a modern myth which is even slower and longer (14:14 but thats to keep the secret songs hidden) and it has a message about how a secret is out and i dunno i never really got it but it is good. 11TH is a secret song which isnt displayed on the album but is still there. it is Battle Of One and is their fastest song on the album. it is about how you fight with your inner self and just stuff like that and it is awesome (great battle music BTW) last is 12TH and is called Hunter and is a cover of a bjork song of the same name. (they do it 50 000 000X better) and it is about a hunter i guess i dunno that`s bjork`s problem. and that`s it! the best album in the world and i just explained it. Now all you have to do is go out and buy it.

Clickity click click

i am just really bored, so i keep clicking on nothing. I should be doing something productive, but im not, just clicking away, again and again and again. well, maybe i can think about something else. The new BIA is coming out, but i talked about that. TFU is coming out, but i talked about that. maybe ill go get a haircut.

Hmm well I have a new and better Sig

Well I changed my sig because honestly 30STM was getting old and Yuffie is m,y favourite Final Fantasy character (right now) and i'm like obsessed with her. Just thought you all should know, and yes this is a very short blog.

30 Seconds To Mars

As you all know, I am the biggest 30STM fan. They have only two albums so far, but there is more coming. As you also may notice, when I talk about 30STM my grammer is almost perfect, which is quite weird since I am on MSN a lot. Their new album is going to be released soon, on an undesignated time, but I still cannot wait. You should try listening to them too, if that's what you like. I can't wait for their new album, and It will be better than anything before, trust me.
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