good for you. the online is the best shooting online that the wii has to offer, so i guess you'll have lotsa funsies there.
menosdemon's forum posts
its pretty good, but rather dificult. if you dont like generic stories, dont buy it tho.
once you find your perfect control medium, it gets easier.
the world ends with you was amazing.
i beat all of the phoenix wright games, and i have to say, thats my favorite series on the ds.
nsmb was alright too.
[QUOTE="KingZero52"]Seven words Paper Luigi adventures in the waffle kingdom (title pending)dan_the_menace
i'd like that. A LOT.
uhh, wouldn't the story be ruined by the luigi books? but yess, i would love nintendo if they did that.
i want it more like the first two. the second was the best though because you can play as bowser and peach.
they need to implement some more platforming in it tho. they did it well with the bowser parts, but they should make it more deep and with more characters than just him.
the shift from 2d to 3d should be there, but not exactly manditory. maybe just for some funsies and extras.
Wii Games:
wii sports
super mario galaxy
super smash bros brawl
mario kart wii
super paper mario
animal crossing: city folk
metroid prime 3: corruption
the conduit: special edition
Virtual Console:
paper mario
i want LOZ:TP and punchout tho
i got myself a starraptor to use fly... it's a really strong pokemon (brave bird + shell bell FTW), among the ones you should teach fly to. IMO, the only HM that has some real effectiveness in battle (and therefore can be on your main team) is surf. fly is somewhat good. the others... meh.BrunoBRS
you have brave bird, so why do you need fly? fly is useless in competitive. my bad if you dont play competative tho.
and btw, your joke wasnt so bad. ive done worse.
Ugh, even the thought of disassembling my DS sends shivers down the spine. Seriousley, you wouldn't suggest that if you have seen me with anything sharpEyebrowsRaised
well, if that doesn't work, you could try opening it with a hammer. its not sharp, so i guess there isn't a problem, right?
have someone whos good with sharp stuff take it apart.
its fine. maybe a 7/10 for game play, and 0/10 for competative.
its not a good idea for a pokemon to have 2 or more attack moves of the same type. such as milotic with surf and hydropump.
take out aqua ring for recover unless its holding leftovers. take out hydro pump for toxic.
raikou has 3 SAME TYPE MOVES?!?! take out thunder for crunch, and take out thunderbolt or discharge for signal beam.
rayquaza has some type problems. take out outrage for a different move.
mew has minor problems. take out me first for a different attack, maybe shadow ball. also, replace fire blast with flamethrower.
[QUOTE="JordanElek"] Addicted? Matt said he only tried playing online several times... and that's probably with a pretty meager online population since the game hasn't hit the shelves yet. This is why I like Gamespot's general policy of waiting to review games with significant online portions until they can get real-world experience with that stuff. It's pretty pointless to talk about general connection quality when you're not playing in the same environment that people will be when they buy the game.
Oh, you mean like IGN tried to do when they said that playing the game on a private server was "just like the real thing" except it can never be duplicated in the real world? As you can see even from minimal testing that didn't turn out so well.
Methinks that IGN doesn't really bother going that in depth
I'll burn your house down!
cats dont have houses, they have litter boxes
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