@ValedictorianXD: lol it's 3 people making a game they are dirt poor stupid. And no the player base of Skyrim never dropped like that stop talking out of your ass.
Sony could have totally dominated the handheld market with the Vita if it actually had tried to. Say what you will but the vita stomps the 3ds all day. The handheld line is the real only thing keeping Nintendo afloat for quite a few years now (also the only one of their products you can actually find at a store)
@lostn: you don't just use the circuit board by itself you buy a case for it that costs next to nothing. I believe they even sell one that resembles the NES.tje tutorial to set one up is so simple anyone could do it in under half an hour.
@Exceed20XX: the console remaster still looked bad tho. I don't play PC games, but a friend of mine has it on PC and on ultra high settings and changing certain files to make it look even better seriously makes it look like a totally different game. I was actually pretty blown away by how good it looked.
@IMAHAPYHIPPO: why anyone would ever pay that much, when a raspberry pi can be built to play every Nintendo game ever made up to dream cast is beyond me anyway. Fools.
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