Playstation gamers are no more "mature" than Xbox gamers are. Try playing a little Dark Souls online and you'll see what I mean. I own both consoles as well, btw.
You're not going to be "one hit killing" much of anything in Bitterblack, other than the occasional goblin or skeleton. And those perks you used to get for being alone and at night? Nerfed by a LOT.
There are difficulty settings. The original shipped with only one mode. "Easy" mode was patched in a couple of months later. "Hard" mode is available via free DLC.
"This business has not been in a state of transition like it is right now since the video game crash of the '80s. I really think we're in a massive state of turmoil," Bleszinski said.
But hire me for a ****load of money and I'll make sure your company survives, right Cliffy? >_>
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