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mercyangel09 Blog


Tora! Tora! Tora! Well, I suppose I should learn a little Vietnamese, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon. The rough draft of my paper is due tomorrow, and I haven't even written my outline yet. The good news is that I finished with my history 110 class and I am now working on finishing the other two. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it. I need to buckle down and just do it. No more goofing around, but really getting to it. ^^; Yeah . . . right.


I'm posting the latest chapter of my Danny Phantom fanfic, but I'm afraid that might be it for a while. Too much school and even though it seems like I have all the time in the world, I just don't. Believe me, short of never sleeping, I'm not sure that I'll ever have enough time. The good news is, that if I bust my butt over the weekend, I could finish up my History 110 class and be done with it. Since most of the class involves reading the assigned chapters and then answering a question about them, I really only have the book review (which thankfully I'm doing a book I've read before and even written a paper on to make thing easier) and the final essay question, which I'm pretty sure was the final essay question for my Civil War and Reconstruction class. My European history class I'm falling behind again in as well, which means after this, I'm going to bury myself in my text book again, but first I think I need to find some lunch. All of a sudden, I'm starving. As for my East Asia history class, well, it'll be interesting, to say the least. I think I'll need to start devoting one day to that class and that's all I do. I'm actually pretty caught up with the reading, it's all of the other stuff I need to take care of that I'm falling behind in. Well, I won't accomplish anything dallying around here. Back to work.


Well, now that I have internet I can continue with my class work. The problem with online classes is that if you don't have an internet connection, you can't submit you class work. Today I have to write my essay on Candide (that's Voltaire, if you're wondering) for my History 102 class, submit my reading response mini-essay questions for my History 110 class, and then post reactions to reading/web-field trips for my History 275. Not to mention that at some point I need to start working on my History 469 research paper, since the rough draft is due in little over a month. Good Lord how time flies. Oh yes, and I need to start officially reading Mary Shelly's Frankenstine somewhere in there, too. Sometimes I wonder if I'm sick in the head for wanting to be a history teacher.

I hate my job

I really hate my job some days. Espeically when the store manager changes the schedule and doesn't tell anyone else. So when the front end manager called me at 11:30 Sunday morning, I had to inform her that my schedule had been changed and wasn't able to come in for another half an hour. I was then informed that I needed to come in now. So I got there, clocked on, and had been working for about five minutes when the assistant manager of the store came down and told me that I had been right, and I was working a full day starting at 9. Thank you so much, now that you've ruined a perfectly good day. Needless to say, I was just a little cranky at management that day. Hell, I was just cranky in general. If it weren't for the fact that I was secure in my job and making decent money, I think that I would quit all together.

Grrrr, arg

I've said this on every other blog that I have (well, almost, since I haven't posted on the AS site yet) but I am going to form a lynch mob and go after the officiating team from the Super Bowl. All who feel like they called the came like crap are welcome to join me. When Madden and Michaels are going "That's a bad call" half the time, then something is defenetly wrong.


So guess what, I decided to draw Danny Phantom. And that's the location of it. Actually, if you're looking at my profile, my DeviantART account is listed as my website so you can pretty much find everything in there . . . View and let me know what you think . . .

Super Bowl Extra Large!

That's Super Bowl 40 or in Roman numerals, XL (extra large, get it?)! We now know which two teams will duke it out to see who is the best of the best. From the AFC is the Pittsburgh Steelers and from the NFC is the Seattle Seahawks! ^_^ Being from the state of Washington (Pacific Northwest people, not the nation's capital), I'll be rooting for the Seahawks. Go Seahawks, go Seahawks, go Seahawks! w00t! Shaun Alexander rules!


I don't want to go back to school. I don't want to do homework. I don't want to spend all of my time working on research papers . . . On the plus side I do get to read Mary Shelly's Frakenstine along with George Orwell's 184 (Irony: the year I was born).

Preview of my Danny Phantom Fic

I don't know how many people I'm going to reach by doing this, but what the hey. I'm going to post a little snippet of my Danny Phantom fanfic and see if I can attract a few readers. The fic is called "Courting Catastrophe" and is posted on ( I'm always looking for feedback to help my writing improve. Anyway, here's the blurb: Danny glared at Dash as the quarterback returned to his little entourage, leaving him and Sam to shuffle to fifth period Senior Writing. “I really hate him.” Sam patted Danny’s arm reassuringly. “I’m proud of you though. I would have thought that you would have overshadowed him and made him sing I’m a Little Teapot in the middle of the cafeteria by now.” “It’s tempting, very tempting,” Danny answered as he and Sam walked through Lancer’s door. Sliding into his seat, Danny placed his backpack on his desk and fished out his writing binder. “How did your paper go?” Sam asked, hoping to make small talk. Danny shrugged. “A paper on what we want to do with our lives? Peachy, I suppose.” “Oh, come on Danny. You spent two days in the library with your nose buried in books about NASA. It wasn’t that bad.” Danny gave a half smile to Sam. “It was really fun. But I’m now too tall to be an astronaut. What am I supposed to do now?” “Astronomy?” Sam suggested. Danny would have replied had Tucker not bounded into class, a radiant smile spread across his face. “You’ll never guess who agreed to go with me to Prom.” “Valerie,” Danny and Sam answered at the same time. Tucker’s face fell. “Man, you two really know how to take the fun from these things. How’d you know, anyway?” “Because since she’s part of the middle class, Kwan won’t take her,” Sam answered. “I can’t believe you want to go to that antiquated mating ritual anyway.” Danny cocked an eyebrow. “And you don’t?” A subtle blush crossed Sam’s cheeks. Biting her lip, Sam prayed that Danny didn’t notice, but as usual, he was perfectly in tune with her true feelings. I hope it's not totally horrendo. (Yes, I am making up words, but then again so did Shakespeare so get off my back.) Like said, the first three chapters are posted on and are for reading. There's even an option to read a review, if you want. I just want to know if I'm doing the series justice.

Back as school

Grr, I don't want to be back at school. But here I am, biding my time until class. At 5:45 PM. Why couldn't it be earlier? Why couldn't it be in the middle of the afternoon? Why?! Oh well, I guess having the days to do my online classes will help.