These are the ten essential questions by Bernard Pivot, and are the same ones that James Lipton uses to wrap up the official interview part of "Inside the Actor's Studio." Anyway, I thought it would be fun to attempt to answer the questions to see just what kind of picture it paints of me.
What is your favorite word?
Juxtaposition! It's one of those million-dollar words that makes you sound absolutely brilliant when you use it. I learned that one in my American lit class in junior college.
What is your least favorite word?
Floccinaucinihilipilification. Can you even use it in a sentence?
What turns you on [creatively, emotionally, spiritually]?
Good food, good company. A party atmosphere, I guess. There just something about being with the people you like and eating the foods you love.
What turns you off?
Smokers, which is actually kind of ironic since I dated a smoker once upon a time. Of course, he was nice and never smoked around me because he knew how much I hated it.
What is your favorite curse word?
The "s" word. It's the multipurpose word. You can use it as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, color, number, the possibilities seem endless. I used to play Mad Libs by only using the "s" word and I could get really far with it. (And they were just flat out hilarious.)
What sound or noise do you love?
It's mixture of sounds, actually. Rain hitting the windows and the roof while the tea kettle whistles and the oven creaks as it bakes fresh cookies. Perferably snickerdoodles.
What sound or noise do you hate?
A fork or knife screeching across a plate. Oh my gosh, it sends shivers up and down my spine.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I think I'd love to be librarian. I'm very at home amongst stacks of books. And I'm an excellent researcher. I could help kids work on research projects. Or an eclectic artist. I'd love to be able to dribble paint on a sidewalk or dress manequins in cellophane and call it art.
What profession would you not like to do?
Anything that tests my gag reflex, so I'm pretty sure that rules out sanatation engineer or a doctor/nurse.
If Heaven exsits, what would you like to hear God say when you get to the pearly gates?
"Take a breather kiddo, it's been a long and rough ride to get here."
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