mert15_2004's forum posts
what is wrong with all the reviews gta 4 has ? 10 out of 10 , 9.8 out of 10 , 5 out of 5.
i played all gta games and beat it but i saw the videos n review of gta4 , i feel like i wanna vomit.
it's not a great game , i can tell, it's just the same thing as vice city or san andreas. i already played it a lot of times n i don't wanna spend $60 for this thing. who else thinks like me ? i wanna know.
I WON"T buy this game>
GTA 4 , my review 7 out of 10 . that's about it, what is all the hype.... hehehehhe.
Why did i like it better than Gran Turismo on PS2 or FOrza Motorsport 2, or GTR on PC.
It feels like it is the best racing game ever. EA did a very good job on that game.
WHy are the review so wrong? It should get at least 8-8.5 score.
Did u like it 2 ? IS there anybody who likes that game ?
i just wanna know . Tell me.
Gears of war n i dont know why i liked it so much but NFS - prostreet , man.
i really liked that game , it's great , almost like a race sim, better than GTR on PC.
then i cant stop playin NBA 08 which is the best basketball game, is a lot better than 2K8.
2k8 sux , worst game ever.
dead rising is pretty cool 2, last one is Oblivion. one of the best game ever.
I can't get into xbox live. Why?
i've tried so many times, my cable modem n internet r all workin perfectly.
i plugged it into xbox 360 but no way. wtf is goin on with xbox 360 n xbox Live?
Starcraft 2 is comin out for Pc too. n WOW's last expansion is coming soon. i think u r discussing for consoles so
GTA 4 will be awesome for both consoles xbox 360 n ps3.
MGS 4 will be for only ps3 exclusive n Gran Tursimo 5 is ps3 exclusive.
God of war for ps3.
Xbox 360 has too human, Gears of War 2, Fable 2, GtA 4 .
I believe the winner would be GTA 4 , of course.
it would be revolutionary.
last games they made were all revolutionary, gameplay, fun.
the things u cannot do it in your life , we all did in rockstar games.
3 red rings 3 times would be 9 times. your calculation is wrong. hehehe :)
i heard that too. 360 dies after some time so i don't wanna get xbox 360 anymore.
i will get a pS3 and live my life. i cannot 360 death rindg red bulls**%...
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