My girlfriend loves games.
mesc420's forum posts
I got it.Its the achievement im most proud of. It actually felt like I achieved something,lol
CoD Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3: ODST
The Konami code? Is this a joke thread?spazzx625No, its not a joke. I really think if I input a code for a video game i'll instantly drop 50 lbs! :p
I know a diet.Black_Knight_00LOL:lol:
A Wii owner who wants to play Bioshock should do one of several things.
1) Play it on PC
2) Play it on Xbox360
3) Play it on PS3
The graphics in this game are so amazing that it totally immerses you in Bioshocks world. Dumbing down the graphics would hurt this beautiful game. Don't wish for a dumb down port.
The Wii may be a good system but Wii owners (especially the people who only own a Wii) should understand what they are getting and supporting.
Thats a very good post, I totally agree with everything.
The Wii simply cant do BioShock justice. It just wouldn't be fair for someone to have to play a inferior version.I would compare it to reading a book vs. watching a movie of the same book. In this case BioShock on PC,360,or PS3 is the book, a Wii version would be the movie. Movies are never as good as the book.
Anyone know the code to lose 50lbs? I keep trying U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,B,A,START but it doesn't seem to work???
Well it's entirely possible, although it definitely would have to be remade with an entirely different graphics engine. WhiteSnake5000
Yeah exactly,theres no way the Wii can handle THOSE graphics. BioShock has some of, if not the best graphics i've ever seen in a video game.
No, hardly ever. I did when I first got the Wii, but it got annoying fast.Now I only wear itif my 18 month old son is around, I dont wanna accidently knock him out with a flying Wiimote! (Although,i've never lost my grip or even got close to letting it go)
As many have put it, it's a timeless adventure that will never grow tiresome. Some of the most well-balanced gameplay in RPG history. Wonderful story and a great cast of characters that you grow attached to over time, along with a soundtrack that sounds beautiful even by today standards. And that's really saying something, seeing as how many games include full blown orchestras and still can't compete!
Chrono Trigger holds something special for those who've played it or have yet to try it. It's a journey that shouldn't be missed!
Well said:D
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