Do everything everyone has been tellingyou,and when you're able to pick the fortune finder perk (Level 6 I believe and with 5 or 6 pts in the Luck skill) TAKE IT! You'll find boatloads more Caps and that will help you alot on your voyage through "post apocalyptia"!
mesc420's forum posts
I was going to get Mario tennis but all ofthose bad reviews scared me off. I'll have to give it rent now.
Chrono Trigger is my favorite game of all time. And the best game of all time in IMO. If you haven't played it,play it,if you dont own it,buy it.
Id love to see it. I never played Chrono Cross and from what I hear im not missing anything. So id love a good sequel with most of the same characters.
Im not sure what we will see. But I know I want to see Zelda and Starfox the most. Galaxy 2 would be sweet as well.
I'm not upset at all. This is great for me. Bring on the evil!!:D
No doubt,I cant wait to play RE1 again!
Capcom already ruined RE when they got away from zombies IMO. But yeah this sucks too. Its maybe worth arent?
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