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Top Ten characters that should be in SSBB

10. Geno: The best mario character ever! If you dont know who he is you better leave my country! And if you dont live in my country, you better know who geno is.

9. Bowser Jr. / Shadow Mario: Hell they should make a game for this guy. His mom is a whory princess who had sex with his turtle dragon dad/bad guy who likes to abduct the princess and rules an army of turtles!

8. Daxter: Screw you Jak. Daxter is way better. He has a frickin flame thrower!!!! And battles insects!

7. Darkrai: The most bad@$$ ultimate dark pokemon that is praticly the demi-god, but no god pokemon (Arceus).

6. Boobies... I mean Kitana! from mortal kombat: We need a hotter and skippier clothing lady in SSBB, Zero suit samus your too much of a tease!

5. GLaDOS: The most amazingly awesome Artifical intellegence in gaming! If she was a human and real I will totally do her!

4. Krug: Its not even from a video game but it is something from something with video game in the title. VG Cats. Krug is not even a cat!

3. YODA!!!: The best jedi and green midgit ever. Not only is he from the second best scifi movie ever, first being 2001, he is a FREAKIN GREEN MIDGIT!!!!

2. Sylux: An awesome bonty hunter from metroid prime and we really need more metroid characters but boobies, I mean samus, is plenty!!!!

1. Kratos: The best most bad @$$ spartan god of war and double bladed ancient crazy deadly bald killer and bloody family slayer ever.


10. Geno

9. Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario

8. Daxter

7. Darkrai

6. Boobies!


4. Krug

3. YODA!!!

2. Sylux

1. Kratos

Top Ten Characters that arent in SSBB that shouldnt be in SSBB


1.Birdo: The first transy of gaming and mario character that shouldnt be a mario character because she/he was originally in a whole different series from nintendo.

2.Tingle: Oh wait he is in the game, but not a character. THANK GO. FINAL SMASH: MAP MAKING!

3.Lego killer Croc: from lego batman. What the hell gave you the idea for that Method? Answer: Im versing him in the game right now and he fails!

4.Those two anime characters from the kirby anime that never appear in the actual game: They are so **** annoying!

5.Mike Tyson: Not only was he on that stupid after-tournament poll for the SSBB tournament, as which characters are in ssbb, he shouldnt, his B side will be something like EAR BITTING!

6.THE NOID: The worst bad guy to turn into a good guy of gaming.

7.Toad: He shouldnt be a character, he is used as an attack when Peach keeps Toad in her v***** and pulls him out only to be attacked and used to vomit all over his enemy. My god what a disgusting attack!

8.The paperboy: Look up paperboy in google, I'll feel sad talking about him cuz he sux so much!

9.EGGS,SAUSAGE, AND **** From burgertime, you verse a bunch of fast food trying to beat each diet. A great game to tell a fat ass.

10.AKUMA: From street fighter the movie the game. In one simple question: WHY?!?!?!?!

Too many games have dark environments

Every game has very dark dark environment, sure some NMH isnt so dark and shady but gears of war, resident evil, and so on have incredably dark atmospheres, you might reply, well they are gore fests and survival shooters, I never heard of killing zombies or defeating a race of aliens in a sunny happy day like christmas. Well besides the more mature games and a lot of games have dark settings and the shading effects seem increased already when you get the game, but thats all changed. If you dont know already, Mirriors edge is a first person runner where it mostly takes place outside on roof tops. Mirriors edge just explodes with the lighting and how colorful the surrounding is. Note its mostly grey but red and orange colored items are in the game, those are known as runner's vision i believe or somthing vision.

Method's thoughts on Rock band 2

Rock Band 2 is the same old game from last year and a different awesome set list featuring classics like "eye of the tiger" or "Anyway you want it." Oh good, they have two of my favorite songs, Everlong and Chop suey! Some songs aren't a challenge and much fun. Than again the whole game seems like its been played before. Oh that's right. It has. There aren't really major adjustments to the gameplay and a few new features have been included. Its not much of change from last year. It's the great party game everybody loves. They added an online world tour mode and the track list is bigger than ever. Nothing else really changed. The gameplay is as same as last year and no new instruments or instrument changes. If you are a rich bastard who love all these guitar hero and rock band games, I would get this game, but if you aren't much that rich, I would wait for Guitar Hero: World Tour, atleast in that game you can make your own song. But hey, if you liked rock band, you will still love Rock Band 2. Going past all the gameplay, you have your character customization with a few new features and clothing. Needless to say the graphics have gotten better. So not much have changed. Rock band 2 delivers the same experience from its predecessor that released 10 months ago.

Method's thoughts on Mario Super Slugger

Its not just another Mario sports title which relies on mini games! Actually that is exactly what it is, with one little big feature, a story mode with good movies. Unfortunately, the story mode, or challenge mode is god awful easy ,which is why I'm not calling it challenge mode, and some of the puzzles are just stupid and why exactly are they in a baseball title? Because its Mario. The game will be fun for the first 30 minutes until you realize its crap and the mini games, which the game relies on are crap too. Lets get the good things out of the way, a lot of Mario characters to choose from! Oh, wait that's all the good things? Now the bad: the camera for the pitching makes it weird and unpleasant. Cheep Mario special moves or what ever they called it in the game like Bowser pitching a bullet bill. I must say though that challenge mode was actually pretty fun seeing how all the Mario characters come together, Nintendo that is what we want, a game featuring all those Mario characters, in which you can play as like five of them including Peach and Donkey Kong! We don't want another Mario teaches **** or Mario (insert spin off title here).

Method's thoughts on Lego Batman

Basicly its lego star wars but in Gotham City. If you've played any lego game you know that it sounds like a stupid idea but its incredibly fun and addictive. So, all the villains have run out of jail and are now terrorizing Gotham city. Batman has to save the day. This game has every character in the batman universe, well just about all of them. They forgot the best villain ever: Calender man, I'm kidding. Like other lego games, it's full of laughs. Bi-curious wonder, Robin, is where most of the humor come in, in which he is always getting himself trapper, hurt, brainwashed, picked on, and so on. The Riddler and the Joker are also the ones who make the gamer laugh, unfortunately, Joker won't be doing his magic trick in this game. Too bad I always smile whenever I see a pencil getting thrusted into a man's brain. Again, a joke. The comic-book suits are in the game too, you can be ummm, blue batman or maybe red? Anyway, you can play as Batman or Robin, and even batgirl and nightwing, which all of them have their own suits. You can also play as the villains. There are 30 levels, 15 for the heroes and 15 for the villains, after completing a level, you unlock freeplay mode, like in most of the lego games. Now that the plot is out of the way. Here is the review. Starting off with the controls, to switch between characters you press C if you are playing the wii version which is the one I'm reviewing. To enter vehicles you also have to press C, that wasn't very a good thing to do since sometimes you might switch between a character instead of getting into a vehicle or sometimes you might press C to get out of a vehicle and you will switch between characters, that isn't a good way to get out of the vehicle but than again they never really tell you how to exit only how to enter. The fihting works well, but sometimes you might hit your sidekick, or sometimes you might be tempted to hit your sidekick which isn't the game's fault but your fault. The environment isn't all that detailed but than again there legos. The environment is very interactive and whats-a-good-word, uh, breakable I guess, like most lego games. So yeah as I said before, its lego star wars but this time its batman!

Method's thoughts on spore

Spore is an enjoyable game that has more to offer than most games. The customization in the game are right-on perfect and intuitive. You can make the most random **** monster and the game knows how to make the creature move, dance, flip, punch, and disco. Making creatures is fun and entertaining, for a while, hey you can make a monster that looks like a penis I mean there's like building and vehicle customization... there not as fun. With the creature creator you can make videos and post them on youtube. Beyond the customization, which is the game's biggest strong point, is the actual game. You first start off as a cell and try to get your way out of the tide pool. Its like an old school arcade game. You have the choice to be a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. A carnivore eats other cells or meat, herbivores eat pieces of plants, and omnivores eat everything. If you really want to finish the stage I say don't become a herbivore or you keep getting your ass kicked. The second stage is the creature stage where you finally get on land. In this stage you go around gathering DNA and body parts for your creature and than **** the alpha creature to attach those body parts to your creature. To get body parts and DNA you can either socialize with other alpha creatures or destroy their whole race so they never appear in the game ever again. Its kinda like The Sims meets World of Warcraft, which doesn't work. After the creature stage is a parody of 2001: A space Odyssey. Than the tribal stage is an RTS with annoying walking distance. The civilization stage is kinda like a cheap ,what do you know, civilization game. Your main priority is to capture all of the cities and capture spice, which is no way on earth a reference to dune. Okay good, now that all that is out of the way: SPACE STAGE, which makes up more than 70% of the game's funnest. There are more than 50,000 planets to count and so many solar systems to take over including one solar system called sol, which is an exact duplicate of are solar sytem. It has Earth, Venus, Pluto: wait that isn't a planet. You can do a lot of, well not a lot, but a lot of stuff in the space stage: hell you can even go death star on a planet and totally destroy everything it once was. Oh by the way: destroy earth. The space stage is where the customization really comes into the game. All those species in your sporepedia are now everywhere. Which is great for me cuz now all those Marios can now have babies and dance together. So if you haven't already nodiced the early stages suck and maybe you should try harder on making the gameplay a little bit ummmm, HARDER!!!! Otherwise the good in spore is you can make anything you want from a burger building to a Pikachu, great audio and sound, and from every corner of your planet it is so charming, even when the cutest wubble dies. So yeah, it's a Will Wright game. Its great, but not too great as in the term its everything a Sim fan can want, plus casual and hardcord gamers will get a kick out of it. Its just that the first 4 out of 5 levels aren't well, hard. The creature stage was sorta fun.

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