@fluffy_kins @SgtStrungOut Let me get this straight, guy. You claim a game that is a cult classic sucks, offer little to no actual criticism other than "the combat sux LOL", and you label the guy who calls your ass out on it the pathetic troll? Is that utter hypocrisy I smell? Ohh, and it's FRESH!
@racerxgundam @Jinzo_111887 If it would have been released earlier, people would have bitched about the same exact thing. "It's too expensive!" "I'll just emulate it on my PC!" There will always be those people who think they should get a big fat slice of the pie, just because they are too lazy to get off their asses and do something with their lives. I acknowledge the fact that some people just can't help their financial outlook because they are disabled, but news flash: just about EVERYONE these days thinks they're too [what-the-hell-ever] to perform tasks that involve any activities such as the following: walking, standing up from a sitting position, executing gestures with arms, talking to another human being, breathing. Don't try to play like these people are victims, and that they have no other options. They do. They just like to play it the easy way, where nobody benefits but themselves.
@Jinzo_111887 It's not all about piracy, but you can bet most of the people complaining in this thread aren't doing it because they want to develop games for Nintendo systems. So many people feel like they're owed something even if they've done absolutely nothing to warrant such a spoiled, entitled outlook.
If you can't afford to pay for games legally, perhaps you should focus your efforts toward, you know, doing something productive instead of being a deadbeat who steals shit.
@Kobayashi64 You obviously didn't even read this article. It is prefaced by the fact that a review of gameplay is completely omitted from the article, and that the focus is how effectively the series has been rebooted from a storytelling standpoint. Every point highlighted in this article is especially true.
Acne ridden pre-teens getting angry because they realize without taking advantage of design oversights, they are hardly the internet gods they think they are.
@truegamer22 @The-Neon-Seal @jophy Pokemon didn't come out until 7 years after the launch of the original Gameboy. The handheld device was a major success long before Pokemon. The release of Pokemon only assured its popularity would be rejuvenated.
@TrueGB Oh, so you mean Gearbox is incapable of managing themselves? Seems to me they were paid to develop games with the same amount of "quality" that was put into their own Borderlands series. Instead, they outsource and employ their own brand of laissez-faire. Then they delay these indecipherable messes while in the mean time requesting additional funds for jobs they're not even performing.
Gearbox is making this? All right, I expect it to be outsourced by sixteen studios, delayed numerous times, and then released as a glitchy, unfinished mess.
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