metroidman7_11's forum posts
WW Link being shot with the cannon.CerealEater
That was awesome, but I like the face that Link in TP makes when you first discover Ooccoo. PRICELESS.
Clearly you haven't played TP.[QUOTE="htekemerald"]Link, He never talks, shows almost no emotion, and never changes.OhhSnap50893
Master Cheif is definately the most overrated.
Exactly, if you've played either Wind Waker or Twilight Princess you would know that is bullcrap. But to answer the topic I would say.....Master Chief....yup.
Apparently I'm in the minority here....I thought Red steel was pretty kick a$$. Yeah it was a little buggy, but I haven't had that much interaction with a shooter in a long time. I actually sat up in my seat everytime I had to fight some one with the swords....and the moves you learn later on are pretty sweet. The game is pretty underrated. Did anyone play the fun house level? OMFG it was awesome.Mcgreggers
I just rented it the other day and just beat the fun house level w/ the creepy rabbits. I honestly think that it got boned here on gamespot. I'd give it a score of about 7.2 for what it is, a competent shooter that has some fun moments(rabbit level).
resistance changed the FPS genre as we know it.N00bSlaiyer3000
My score predictions:
MGS4- 9.8 Mass Efect: 6.9
FF thirteen: 9.6 Super smash .bro.s.- 7.4
Halo 3: 7.8 Metroid prim 3: 6.8
quote me on any of these. powning n00bs since 1993
nice unbiased predictions:roll:....can't wait to prove you wrong
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