@ballandscrotes: Howdy! I wanted to apologize. We meant to include a tidbit about how we've gotten the chance to play these games at past events, but I had neglected to insert it (I was responsible for assembling the gallery). This gallery is comprised of write-ups from several of our editors, so that's why we labeled the article's author as GameSpot Staff.
While the quality of the final product remains in contention, what we played have been substantial enough for us to declare these are games that are pretty great that not many people may know about. Regardless, I've included a passage detailing the sentiment in the following:
"It's worth noting that many of these games haven't been released yet. However, we have had the opportunity to play them at prior events. Based on what we've played, we've determined that these are games that you should definitely keep an eye on, and have therefore, included it in this gallery."
@Xristophoros: Our apologies for the misunderstanding! We meant to include a tidbit about how we've gotten the chance to play these games at past events, but I had neglected to insert it (I was responsible for assembling the gallery).
While the quality of the final product remains in contention, what we played have been substantial enough for us to declare these are games that are pretty great that not many people may know about. Regardless, I've included a passage detailing the sentiment in the following:
"It's worth noting that many of these games haven't been released yet. However, we have had the opportunity to play them at prior events. Based on what we've played, we've determined that these are games that you should definitely keep an eye on, and have therefore, included it in this gallery."
@mr_indiff: Right right, I agree. As much as I like the Saiyan characters, the roster feels a tad samey. The game would definitely benefit from the series' more distinct and uniquely powered characters.
@bigal1989: Sorry about that! That was a bit a clerical error and misunderstanding on our end when we were organizing this. We've swooped in and fixed the mistake with another game we're eager to see (which it seems you're also hoping to see): Star Fox Zero.
While flawed, Star Fox Zero could very well be corrected if they released a new version featuring both standard and motion controls. I admit I never minded the motion controls as much as others, but I can understand where people were coming from. Nintendo can honestly benefit from bringing more and more of its first-party Wii U games. With such a huge install base on the Switch has now, Nintendo can finally give the Wii U's best games the second chance they deserve. In this case, the Star Fox series can get some more attention again!
@Daveof89: Heya! Sorry about that. That was a bit of a clerical error on our end. We've corrected the mistake and added in another game that someone on staff is eager to get on Switch!
@todddow: ACO actually appeared in our list of this year's best XBO games, so we weren't allowed to write about it. D: This feature was focused primarily on games that weren't highlighted in any of our main GOTY awards articles. But mannn, ACO is fantastic! I had my criticisms of the game at first, but after diving into it some more, I've really grown to love it. Egypt is beautiful and Bayek is a great character. ACO was definitely in my top 10 list this year.
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