The cases of all most everyone who speaks out about violence and video games are pointing to specific instances in which the person who preformed the violent act was mentally ill. No sane person would do anything like what happened in Conn.
These "polititions" are not doing their research and making uneducated statements. Perhaps if we spent half as much money funding research on the mentally ill we could solve this problem much faster. But alas media insists on blaming everything on videogames. This is very likely due to the face that videogames are a new media and so everyone else is terrified of them. And also because the news insists on plastering the killers face on every five minutes of their 24 hour coverage and displaying him as some sort of sick antihero. Witch causes many repeat shootings because they want attention.
It is incredibly frustrating to know that there is no other media powerful to exploit this. The system is screwing us over and I for one and fuffing sick of it.
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