its a documentary found on
Im watching it right now October 12th 6:13 PM eastern standard time, and it is EXTREMELY entertaining. Its sort of like penn and tellers bull****, only without all the profanity
I'd recommend it highly
its a documentary found on
Im watching it right now October 12th 6:13 PM eastern standard time, and it is EXTREMELY entertaining. Its sort of like penn and tellers bull****, only without all the profanity
I'd recommend it highly
There seems to be this really popular belief among christians that there is this sin that can actually cause God to not forgive you. A sin that the blood of jesus is insufficient to cover.
This sin is the action of blaspheming against the holy spirit.
where do christians get this idea?
It comes from only1 verse in the entirety of the canon which refer to the same exact story. This story is presented in the Gospel of Mark. There is another verse in Luke, but its the same story
Now, when you look at the context in which this verse is, Jesus is only speaking to a very small group of people, and it is extremely questionable whether or not this applies to us today
Now, its important to remember that when you are studying the bible, you cant just come up with some idea about christian theology based on only 1 verse taken out of context
Not only was this verse taken out of context, but it contradicts almost all of the entire new testament
When reading the new testament, especially the 4 Gospels, you can quickly realize that the blood of jesus ,in christian theology, is enough to cover ALL sins. All throughout the new testament, this is the basic message about the blood of jesus: It is enough to cover all sins. You never hear that its enough to cover all sins, except for this one, no, you never hear that.
right now, Im at the quarter-way mark in the book Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis, page 50
Im just gonna start out, this is a GREAT book. The reason I say its great is because it is extremely easy to follow the points that C.S lewis makes
the second reason I think its a great book is because when discussing the actual existence of morality, C.S lewis makes an extremely good argument for the existence of an actual standard of right and wrong, whichprobably didnot come from purely naturalistic means
so, yeah. Its a great book, and if you're interested you can pick it up at a local book store for like 10 dollars
The book is mere christianity by C.S lewis. Its supposed to be a classic work in christian apologetics.
Im really looking forward to reading it, and I will write another blog post and tell you whatI thought about it
so, yeah
Lately, its been tough believing the things which are mentioned in the bible. Well, not that tough. just been thinking a little. Im still extremely confident that knowlegeable christians can help me resolve this issue, or that I'll just resolve it and stay a christian. This moment of doubt isn't an extreme moment of doubt, just a few thoughts
Now, as of now, these are the only 3 ideas regarding God which make sense to me because they require almost no faith
1: Deism. Deism is this idea that there is a god, but he doesn't interfere with our universe. He just created the universe and let it be. This kind of makes sense because there are properties in our universe which are extremely fine tuned. Does this prove that there is a God? Maybe. Does it prove that the bible is right and there really was a messiah who saved us from our sins so our souls can go to heaven when our bodies cease to function? HELL NO
2: Agnosticism: Basically, we have absolutely no idea which god is the true God. This idea requires absolutely no faith to believe because its a simple statement of fact. we dont know, and we probably will never find out before humanity destroys itself. Yes, it will come some day. either we will destroy ourselves, or nature will do the job for us
3: Atheism: There is no God at all. there is nothing supernatural.
The first and last options require faith. Dont kid yourself atheists, they most certainly do require faith. Do they require as much faith as believing the bible does? hell no.
So, Those are the only 3 ideas regarding God that make sense to me. I will continue to ponder this for some time, and hopefully I will arrive at the conclusion that Jesus really is the son of God, the Christ, the messiah, and the savior of humanity.
you probably were around when I had that whole faith crisis a few weeks ago where I pondered human suffering. This one has almost nothing to do with human suffering as that issue has been somewhat resolved. This one has to do with the very nature of fiath. What is faith? At my church youth group, we learned that the technical definition of faith is belief that isn't based on any logical evidence.
Is it okay to believe in something if we have no logical evidence that it exists? Is this at all rational? I wont say its delusional because a belief is only a delusion if there is contradictory evidence
**** you Richard Dawkins!!!
But, back to my point. Why should I believe in a being for which there is no evidence that points to its existence? why should I dedicate my life to and put all my trust into this being for which I dont have any evidence AT ALL on whichI can base this belief? So, that ends my rant. I am extremely confident that knowlegable christians can help me to resolve this issue
What evidence do we have that God exists? None. What evidence do we have that God does not exist? none. both sides have some evidence, but none, absolutely none of it is at all scientific, but mostis just circumstantial.but the best thing atheists have going is that there is no proof that God exists and therefore he most likely does not exist because of the concept of burden of proof. I discussed this issue in one of my previous blog posts, but that isn't proof for any sides, and it really only proves God in the deist sense of God. It really doesn't prove anything about the divinity of christ.Now, I will ask you a question
Is it okay to believe something entirely by faith? People who believe in God don't do it because there is evidence, but by faith and faith alone. So, If one has absolutely no evidence for something, is it rational to believe it.
The second one is regarding the extremely faithful, almost fanaticaltheists. People like you often put ALL of your trust and make God the absolute center of your lives. you invest so much trust into your God. Now. why should I put all my faith and trust into something ifI cant even know if this thing, or person, actually exists?!.
so, that's my rant on faith
fellow christians, STOP USING PASCALS WAGER!!!
You might be waiting for me to back this up
just sit down
and think about it
for 30 seconds.
still dont get it?
think about it for another minute
Got it yet?
If not, then thats sad
Okay. Ill explain it.
What if you're worshipping the wrong God?
you'll end up in some other religions hell
This argument should be extremely compelling to religious people.
alright. No where in scripture does God mention what is beyond earth, or beyond the sky. Our universe has an estimated100 billion galaxies with hundreds of billions of stars with several planets in each star system.
It really makes you think. God created all that just so Jesus could do his stuff in Palestine?
I dunno, maybe some knowlegable christians could resolve this which isn't really that big of a problem. This is another philosophy I came up with
I think the reason that God created the universe to be so incredibly massive and beautiful was so humans could really appreciate the awesomeness of God's creation and so we could humble ourselves before God.
let me ask you a question. How much extra mass would be required to collapse the universe shortly after the big bang before life could be possible?
our universe contains 10^80 baryons. If the universe contained 10^21 more baryons, which is an extra 1 part in 10^59, the universe would have collapsed before life was even possible.
how much mass is in 10^21 baryons? well, the mass of a single baryon is 1.67^-27 kg. If we multiply this by 10^21, we get 1.67^-6 kg, which is 1.67 milligrams, or, about a grain of sand
so, to summarize it, the universe, if it contained an extra grain of sand's worth of mass, it would have collapsed and life would never have gotten started.
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