Let me be clear Mr. Spencer, the only interest you need to satisfy is that of your consumers. That is NUMBER ONE interest. FROM THERE, you build a model that makes money and supports your business, your publishers, your retailers, vendors, etc. And if you cannot satisfy that number one interest, the consumer, in a way that also benefits your other interests, then you need to evaluate the business you are in or the product you are selling as to whether it is good for your company. That is how capitalism works. If you do not keep the consumer as number one interest, then you do not have an audience to sell to. You can make all the widgets you want that suit your retailers, suppliers, publishes, etc. But they will sit on the shelf if you have not focused all of your development on the consumer as primary focus.
I cannot understand how people hold these executive positions and cannot grasp this very fundamental law of business and economics. I'm embarrassed for Microsoft.
@atlanticmoon ^ This will never go away. People are still buying vinyl in music. And the physical CD distribution method is still very strong. Don't let the smaller selection in Best Buy fool you. It's only because they can't compete with the pricing, selection and distribution of Amazon's model.
@willzihang By Nintendo and Sony supporting off-line play with free distribution of physical discs once purchased, the future is 10 years off. And besides, that's just one aspect. One of the biggest problems that people have with XB1 is the on-line validation checks for off line games and the asinine sharing, selling, gifting policy. You can have digital distribution and still have a model that supports the consumer. Physical distribution will also ALWAYS be an option. And as long as the sheep don't lead the herd, people will always want to hold on to physical product. The music industry is proof of that. Yes, the digital marketplace as grown and physical representation at Best Buy has shrunk. But mostly because Amazon has an incredible selection of physical inventory and pricing that Best Buy can't compete with as well as quick and cheap distribution methods. And there are still a LOT of music stores that are doing well. Complete digital distribution is still a long way off. MS is trying to pretty much snuff it out way too soon. and they'll pay for it because their competitors do not support the change. They've in effect let MS hang themselves. And depending on what happens from here with the XB1, they may not be back next generation.
Actually, no... it doesn't satisfy consumers. Please shut up, go home. Tired of hearing all the back-pedaling and garbage coming from their mouths. It's now becoming kind of uncomfortable to watch. I'd love to just hear them come to the table and say that they will re-evaluate their stance based on an outpouring of customer feedback. Practice a bit of humility like Nintendo and admit when you made a mistake. Then set out to fix it. That's the way MS can fix this debacle.
And for the FEW people out there who are saying this is the wave of the future, "get used to it", well it's obvious that Sony and Nintendo don't thinks so. So your future has about 10 years to go. Go buy the XB1 and be happy with you purchase. Don't continue to follow in MS's footsteps and continue to deny a handy defeat. It's sad really.
1st: What Gamestop are YOU shopping at? I've been to two in my area and it's a joke amongs the employees. PS4 is WAY outpacing XB1 reserves.
2nd: You have absolutely no idea what the allocations are. There could be 4 PS4s available for every 1 XB1. Even forgetting about the disaster that MS brought on themselves and Sony was very quick to pounce on, you would think that Gamestop would have started out with probably an even amount of allocations. After the disastrous E3 debacle, having 3 waves of reserves selling out tells me there is an allocation issue somewhere in the supply chain. Usually when you run out of allocations, it's not as simple as creating another and then another. This tells me there are administrative issues with managing allocations. I would absolutely NOT take that as any sign of dominance.
@Homerj I love this statement. It echoes my thoughts and feelings exactly. And if there were any other reason for us to completely mistrust MS even more - which Publisher is sleeping in MS's bed so closely that they have a toothbrush in their bathroom? EA. Enough said....
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