I read somewhere of some Sony exec saying something like "there are massive amounts of e-mail requested during these times. Please, if you already sent your first e-mail, do not request for more e-mails as this will only push your reset e-mail to take longer"
mike123171's forum posts
Dude, I think you're right. For ppl that are saying they have hotmail and are able to get on PSN, you probably have the PS3 that you activated your account on. For ppl with hotmail accounts with ps3s that they DIDN'T activate their accounts on, are having a tough time. I'm about borderline of returning my new PS3 since it hasn't even been a month yet since I bought the new thing. Poor sony even on the verge of losing some valuable customers after they bring it back, if you're going to bring it back, bring it back to everyone dammit.
Seriously, this is the biggest money saver. MW3 and BF3 both coming out around the same time, i speculate that for most of you, either one of these two games will be in ur ps3 most of the time. Ok there is skyrim but its another fallout 3, once u put ur 80-100 hours and do ur side quests what not, ull be back on MW3 or BF3.
Honestly the gamesthati played the most on ps3(and i tried out many diff games on ps3) are codmw1, battlefield bad company, battlefield 1943, codmw2, and guitar hero 3. You wont need another game trust me, either MW3 or BF3 will be ur primary game until MW4 comes out in 2013 (or maybe even the treyarch one in 2012, could be a possible BF3/MW3 killer), cuz theres gona be a wack of DLC for mw3 and bf3 too, nothings gona kill these two, especially if u have both of them and you substitute them once in a while. These are the only games u need for ps3. THats my story. Save ur money and dont gotta spend $60 everytime a game comes out. Biggest money saver on the ps3 history! Comment if u will do the same!
I know this is kind of has to be on the other thread but since the ppl who already received the e-mail doesn't check that thread so I was just wondering in general... Its been almost 30 hours for me and no e-mail... i don't know if the people who don't receive it within 5 hours or 9 hours or some limit of time cap are ever suppose to get the e-mail. I tried calling playstation but the wait time is too long so i just hung up.
Anyone received the e-mail after 5 hours and how long was your wait in total?
Games that just leads you into a "controllable movie" like heavy rain, catherine, etc etc never interests me. Netflix is 70 times better than playing those games. But thats just me.
same but 8 hours for me...6 hours and no e-mail, looks like no PSN gaming for me until Monday assuming the password arrives of course.
So my original psn account was activated almost 4 years ago on my original ps3 which got YLOD last year. Now I've tried to log into my new ps3 (which i got during the outage) and then it said that I need to change the password and has send an e-mail to my account. The e-mail is not in my mailbox yet for over an hour and I was just wondering how long this e-mail takes? thanks.
Oh so Americans get like DVDs in their mail from netflix for more range of movies? but instant-streaming is same as Canadians?
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