@Chris5148 @Xbox1SinceDay1 No way. GTAIV came out at the beginning of the current gen and it was extremely rough and not as polished as games that are being released now. I'd rather have a new GTA game released near the end of the next gen's console run.
@inscript @dmastor @mikemaj82 if you say so. I really don't know what else I could do besides play in a ranking leaderboard type game online and listen to all the kids talk about each others moms on a headset.
@Grenadeh @dmastor Growing up in the Nintendo age I could care less about innovation. I just want to play games. In the mid 80s we played the NES, then in the 90s SNES came out and it had better graphics and larger games. N64 then came out...better graphics, larger games. I can't really give them innovation on the 3d joystick on the control pad because Colecovision had that way before the NES was out..back in the Atari days. If the PS4 just has better looking, larger games, I'm fine with that. I don't want fancy gadgets or add-ons that I won't even use because I buy systems to play games.
@07wintert @mikemaj82 With the way you write run-on sentences and don't punctuate or capitalize correctly, I can't tell what the heck you're talking about!
mikemaj82's comments