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mikey1611 Blog

New like the 52.

Once again it's been a long time since I've updated my blog. Man, it's hard to get back into a habit of blogging. Maybe it's because of the process I go through before I submit an entry or I'm just way too busy. I don't know about you guys but my process is pretty long. First I gotta pick one of my blog ideas from a list, gather some information (which is the tedious part), first draft, spellcheck then submit!

Anyways, let's start with something that has taken my interest for the past two months since gaming hasn't been adequate due to the annual summer gaming drought. Winter Holidays, bring it on! Goodbye, World.

This particular "something" is comic books! I was so excited when I heard about the reboot to the DC Universe that I contemplated about getting every #1 single issue. I haven't read any of the recent DC comics. The most recent one I've read was Sinestro Corps War and the last one of Batman's was No Man's Land (which I'm currently reading again) and that was a long, long time ago and it was an exhaustive read for me at the time. So, this is sorta perfect time to get back in!

There has been many concerns about the New 52 and DC's New Universe (DCnU). This isn't a complete reboot of all characters. This is not where all the history and continuity of the characters are erased and starting from scratch like the alternative Ultimate Universe of Marvel but almost similar. This reboot is for DC to get with the times. To do that, their first step was introducing redesigns of costumes, which look freakin' awesome! Tights are out and armor plates are in. Check out Superman's, especially Jim Lee's variant in Action Comics and in Justice League #1.

So far, all the comics I got are pretty awesome but there are way too many to follow. Justice League is a must. Batmans'? I know I have to follow Scott Snyder's Batman. Green Lantern is one of the continued lines, not very new reader friendly but Sinestro is back as a Green Lantern! Better read Blackest Night, Brightest Day and War of the Green Lanterns. Action Comic reads better than Superman #1 but Superman #1 got me hooked. [spoiler] Clark isn't with Lois anymore and you can feel pain from Clark when he walks away from Lois and her new boyfriend. [/spoiler] It feels great for character development. The Flash had the best splash page of all time and the only thing that was missing was background music. Batgirl has to be my favourite because Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl! Her new villain is awesome but her legs are back?!

Oh, dear. What to do, what to do.

It's been a long time... How have you been?

My, oh my. It has been a long time since I've written here and interacted on the unions. In my defense... I have a life. Haha, I'm joking. I love and miss blogging and interacting here. Actually, I've been trying to study my @$$ off for my exams and they finished quite quickly, since I only have two of them. Though, I still think I screwed up. Also, I don't think engineering is my line of subject anymore, off to search for a new one. Information Tech and Computer science seems to fit me more.

I still have unfinished feature blog series to finish off but I'll get to them soon. But to start off again and slowly get back into blogging here, I'll start with a simple feature blog soon. Then I'll get back into participating in unions, The Batcave gets priority since I miss it there and it is one of the first unions (if not the first) I ever joined.

I'll cya around the site!

I felt so unprepared!

Pre-Order Gran Turismo 5!!!

So today, I was going to have my flu shot and my dad came along because I couldn't remember where the clinic was and the clinic was a floor below a Sony Customer Service and Store. Got my jab, the nurse was pretty good at distracting (not that I was afraid of needles), she was like "So, have you had this shot before?" I answered confusingly and she told me to lift my sleeve up. Then she asked "Do you remember when was the last time?" and in the middle of asking that question, she (gently but quickly) jabs the needle into my shoulder. I didn't have time to process the pinch like feeling and the fact that she was done already. Kudos to the nurse.

And no, I did not pre-order the game from the Sony store, which was just a floor above from the clinic. I asked my dad if we could go to HMV in a district near by, he agreed and off we went. Then I saw it: Empty DVD cases with the Gran Turismo 5 covers. I was way too excited that I went over to play Halo: Reach on the 360 demo station. Long story short, I pre-ordered the "standard" Limited Edition and found out that the other more "Premium" Limited Editions were sold out! Dad wasnonchalantly excited and I was too busy trying to figure out how I'm going to earn that money again. haha.

Usually, I don't do things like that. Gotta plan all my purchases. Plus no matter what, I always feel guilty after a purchase (even fast food) because the money could've gone to something better.

I was unprepared for the jab (but it was good) and the spontaneous purchase of pre-ordering Gran Turismo 5 but real excited!!! Yes, even the flu jab because now I will be immune from flu for a limited time. Just gotta focus on my assignments and tests for college.

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do Subscribe! (An End Of October Update)

Hello all! Just an update about me and the things that have caught my eye for the past few days since my "So Far In October Update". Pretty sleepy right now because of my sore throat and cough medicine, plus I'm watching Batman Begins on a local channel. Mmm... that's good 576i. Haha.

[size=20]Supreme Court: Violent Game Case. November 2nd has passed.[/size]

Well, the November 2nd Supreme Court case has passed and now for the long wait (most likely, at least a year's wait). Still pretty scared about this law but I'm confident it won't pass but it won't pass without opening new "doors". The law proposed was pretty broad and it'll just be a matter of time till that new "door" will open and present more problems for us (gamers) and narrow and specify what they actually want to target.

[size=15]Game Informer Show (Podcast): Ricardo Torres, of GameSpot, guests in this episodes podcast.[/size]*

Yup. Our very own Ricardo Torres guests in the Game Informer Podcast and discuss the Supreme Court Case! A Great listen.

[size=15]Supreme Court Case Transcript of Violent Video games (from Game Informer) [/size]

Those interested and want to further their knowledge in the gaming industry current events; Download and Read from the link above! I haven't read it yet, still finding time.

[size=20]Metal Gear Solid 4 gets Trophies![/size]

New Metal Gear Solid 4 Box Hints At Trophies?

I should check GameSpots' news once in a while. Game Informers news seems to be more accessible to me, though.

[size=20]PlayStation 3 HDMI Port Problem[/size]

Recently or maybe a month ago, my PlayStation 3 has been experience problems with the HDMI port. I know it's not the HDTV or the hdmi cable. The PS3 HDMI port has been acting up. Sometimes it would work and most of the time it wouldn't. It has been 2 or 3 weeks since she has been played using the HDMI and I really don't want to play every two weeks. I've been thinking about getting component cables but it's not the same, y'know?!

[size=20]Kill Him With Your Awesome[/size]

Hopefully you understood my blog title (and hopefully, I'm allowed to use it. I better ask for permission after this)! It's TOBUSCUS! This guy is just awesome for his works of game comedic commentaries, parodies and Literal Trailers, the most awesome of them all and most notable is the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Literal Trailer (link below). Enjoy and subscribe to him!

Literal Trailer: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood by Tobuscus

[size=20]Quotation of the Month[/size]

"The last thing we wanted was Elizabeth to, y'know, "win-the-game-button" or that there's some kind of squad control. I never find that particularly satisfying, especially...um...y'know like I'll play some squad-base shooting and the first thing I'll do is I'll shoot each of my squadies in the back of the head, so they don't get in my way"

From the Great Ken Levine. Listen to his Q&A podcast on Game Informer. Link below.

BioShock Infinite Podcast: Ken Levine Reader Q&A*

That's pretty much it, that's game related! Mid-terms are sorta done. Now's the time for revision for finals. An ongoing and strict process, which is made a bit easier since my PlayStation 3 is "seeing" things the wrong way plus my almost strong will power of managing game time with work time.

Thanks for reading!

*Podcasts are available through iTunes.

Video Game Voters Network and A Schedule (A 'So Far In October' Update)

This update is way overdue, as well as some of my assignments for college =D (it's not that bad, minor stuff). I'm using a new "system" for my updates. I now put them in order of importance relevant to the context of what this site is (but all are still equally important, get me?). Also, I think this isn't much of an update but more of a Notice.

First, It was my Mom's birthday this month!!! Happy Birthday!

[size=20] Video Game Voters Network [/size]

November 2, 2010. It's coming very soon. Are not any of you scared? I'm friggin' scared for you guys over there in the States, 'cause not only will it affect you but it will affect the whole world. Maybe you think this won't pass because it's just ridiculous but what if? What if it does pass?! I actually have a lot to say, so if I have time before November 2nd, I'll expand this on another blog. I hope you noticed that I changed my banner just for VGVN. Modified it a bit so it looks like it fits, wish I put a little bit more effort into it.Here are some sites. Read up. And Sign Up on the Video Game Voters Network. Also, watch Warren Spector's Keynote in PAX. I mean it...watch it (when you have time):

PAX Keynote 2010 - Warren Spector

Enemy Of The State - Game Informer

Mock Trial Calls Violent Games Case For California - Kotaku

Mock Trials Rules IN FAVOR of ANTI-Video Game Law - Gamer Informer

Gamer Demonstration - Kotaku

Video Game Voters Network. Spread The Word. Raise Your Voice

Bonus Video - Geoff Keighly fighting for us. It's an old video and I'm sure most of you have watched this. Still pisses me off today but Keighley, kept his cool and just owned Fox. The last few minutes of the video is also frustrating. She's practically saying that the government should do the parenting instead of her.

Fox News: Mass Effect

"Have you ever played Mass Effect?" - Geoff Keighley

"No!" - Cooper Lawrence

Also, apparently us, boys, cannot tell the difference between real life and games. Moving on.

[size=20]A New Schedule[/size]

Since I'm in college, it's been quite hard to find some me time nowadays and when I do find some time, it out balances my priorities for the day. I guess it was a bit overwhelming, for me, to balance these types of sites, studies and, soon, a part time job (I'm still in English college mode and wondering if this sentence has a parallelism problem, as well as an overload of commas).

So, my new schedule is to visit my "go-to sources of video game reviews and etc." (I said "sources" so more than one site) only on Friday Evenings, Saturday Evenings and, if there is time, Sunday Evenings. The rest of the days are devoted to work but at least I have my iPod touch to read the news during the weekdays!

I'll still be able to write feature blogs and update! but only during my me times. I still need to write Part 2 of PlayStation's 15th Anniversary/Birthday!

Wish me luck getting use to this new schedule! That's my update! Thanks for reading! Visit the Sites! SIGN UP!

P.S. Still trying to find a way to underline my titles. Impossible! Used HTML tags but useless. Tried BBcode but for some reason, I need to put another BBcode tag right next to it!:

TestingVideo games are the comic books of our time... - Guillermo Del Toro

[PlayStation] Fill My Palms Please. Though, I still love you the way you are.

A Personal Experience with the PlayStation Controller.

A few gaming sites have alraedy beaten me to a section of this blog but most of it is about my experience with the controller. This blog has been on my list of blogs-to-do for months. I should have done this earlier. This is also a series or just two or three blogs (hopefully I can keep my word to that) to celebrate the PlayStation's 15th birthday, which was on September 9th 1995. Happy Belated Birthday and Thank you so much for all the happiness.

A Very, Very Brief History


The PlayStation Control Pad - retail availability 1994 / discontinued 1998

Brief Description/Experience: The handles seem longer because of no analog joy sticks. Techinically this was the norm: The handles were always that length, it just got shorter.

The DualShock - retail availability 1997 / discontinued 2006

Brief Description/Experience: Heavier than the first, due to the aspect of being the "DualShock", it had weights for the vibration feature. Length of cord (1 metre). The length of the cord couldn't accommodate to the positions of the way I played sometimes.

The DualShock 2 - retail availability 2000

Brief Description/Experience: Not much experience, as I didn't own a PS2 but it handled exactly like the DualShock. But! The buttons were pressure sensitive. Racing games were the only games that I remember actually gently pressing the buttons on the controllers. It was Gran Turismo 4, if I'm not mistaken. Yet that habit of pressing gently or hard on the buttons started with the PSOne with Gran Turismo (1) but I do not recall that game having that feature, nor the DualShock.

The SIXAXIS/DualShock 3 - retail availability 2007

Honestly, this isn't about the history of the controller. For that we could just look up wikipedia (I miss real sources of information) or other game sites that feature an article on PlayStation's 15th Birthday! This is about my experience with the controller.

I will be referring to the SIXAXIS & DualShock 3 as just DualShock, I will let you know if I change reference of the controllers (Note: I actually don't own a DualShock 3 yet).

Like all young gamers, they wouldn simply pick up the controller and begin playing. Sometime later they would feel tired and hands would ache, I would even get that weird painful sensation of when you push down on the nail of your thumb (did any of you get that?).

Being this age and with a controller that I can take almost anywhere, I begin to appreciate it's design and it's feel. Maybe it took long because I didn't mature fast as a gamer or maybe because I recently held the Xbox 360's controller and just felt something very new and had to compare it. I had both my hands flow over both controller. I let them fill my hands. And let my hands feel the curvature.

DualShock. Where do I start? The face of the controller. This is where a few sites have beaten me to this section, namely Kotaku. Here's the article:What Do The Buttons On The PlayStation Controller mean?. I have an old best friend, a great gamer friend. We usually have conflicting interests in the gaming world but a great friend to talk about games and the industry. We'll call him Runer. We discussed why the random but simple use of shapes and colour on the controller of the DualShock.

This is what we came up with. Since he's Japanese and raised that way, he practically grew up in culture of where the PlayStation was created.

The X and O (circle)


There has been a lot of squabble between these two buttons. In Japan, O means yes or correct. Runer went to a Japanese cultured school where they marked right answers with Circles and wrong answers with ticks. This isn't really a big deal, the ticks just indicate "attend to this and correct it". So, O means "yes", "enter", "go" and "correct". The X button obviously means "No" (or "back", etc.). Even X in a western culture would mean Wrong.

For the Western gamers, X and O are switched. X being "Yes". This is because western gamers "associated the bottom button as the main one". Would it make a difference if the symbols were physically switched? Would you, western gamers, still press the X button if it's placed where O is?

The Square and Triangle


We didn't have a better explanation like Teiyu Goto had in the Kotaku article. Who's opinion is the right opinion, since he is the guy who designed the controller. Even reinforces his decision by saying "that's what I wanted!".

Runer and I decided that the reason behind Square and Triangle and the rest of the shapes on the controller were used because you have to see it at an infancy level. These are the most basic shapes we had learn when we were young. Thus, implanted into our minds forever. A cognitive process of simple shapes used in a complex environment. It's easier to visualize and store these shapes into our memory rather than letters.

Teiyu Goto explanation is that Triangle "refers to viewpoint... represents one head of direction." Fits perfectly well with the Assassin's Creed puppeteer concept. Triangle using Eagle eye. Square "refers to paper", representing menus or documents.

What perplexed me was the use of colours. Especially the colour, pink. Not because of that immature debate of pink being a girly colour but because it closely related to the colour of O, red. I would've picked the colour yellow, without thinking, for Square because it would've been easier to differentiate the two.

Why yellow? Because yellow is one of the basic colours of life. Yellow being one of the primary colours of nature (Red, Yellow and Blue). Then you would say Green (Triangle) is out of place? Green is also a primary colour but of of light (Red, Green and Blue). So now the controller with it's simple shapes and natural colours is complete and can be referred to the basic structures of life.

I felt a new sensation after holding an Xbox 360 controller. Something that was very comfortable. I can't remember when my first experience was with the Xbox controller but I brushed it off quickly. It was bulky. It was weird but the Xbox 360 controller was like holding both hands with somebody. It felt so right. It did have it's faults thought. The rounded buttons were... mmm. It felt like it would get lodged in it's own hole. The directional pad was just horrible.

This isn't about the Xbox 360 controller but where else would I get to use the awesome photoshoped photo of placing a translucent Xbox 360 controller in my hands but also just a small comparison.

In this first photo this is how I would put my hands around the DualShock to feel comfy.

Photo 1

The DualShock is lower down into my hands. My thumbs, indexes and middles are wrapping around the top of my controller and my rings and pinkies are are slightly higher up the handles.

Next photo: Game Mode. Ready for action.

Photo 2

My thumbs are in the normal position of L3 and the command buttons (or mostly on R3). The controller is now higher up in my hands. Notice the handles, the middle fingers is now deemed useless and joining the bottom two fingers. Which are lower down on the handles, barely gripping on.

The next two photos are another view on relax mode and game mode, respectively.

Photo 3

In relax mode, you can see that controller is lower down filling the palm but the thumb and fingers are way over where they can't reach game mode position.

Photo 4

In game mode the handles are half way up the palm. Quite uncomfortable it you look into it but bearable. The corner of the rounded handle feels like it's trying to gently pierce your palm. Fingers try to grasp onto the handles for their lives! Even looks like they're going to slip off.

For the next photos, I pretend I have the PlayStation wireless keypad (which I highly recommend for um... it's uses). The photo after those, I pretend I have an Xbox360 controller and it has the wireless keyboard.

Since I don't actually have the accessories and Xbox 360 controller, all I can do is based this on past experience.

The PlayStation keypad is located north of the controller and I think it is placed properly. To use it, you'd have to lower the controller so your thumbs would be able to reach it. Lowering down the controller gives a comfy position.

Photo 5

Yes! Two thumbs up!

These next photos obviously don't contain my hands but he's showing the idea.

Photo 6

Above: Game Mode

Below: Typing Mode

Photo 7

Remember, PRETEND! Next it's the Xbox 360 controller with the keyboard. It is located south of the controller. There are two ways to use it. Move the controller higher up, resulting in the edge of the handles slightly piercing your palms or bend your thumbs downwards also resulting in slightly moving the controller up in your hands.

Photo 8

Sigh... Two thumbs down.

What do you think of the position of the bent thumbs feel like? For me, Quite Uncomfortable. That's enough of the Xbox 360, that's for another time. When I actually have one.

Next up is just something quick about the L2 and R2 buttons of the DualShock. Lots of complaints have been about it's convex shape, that our fingers slip off or more of the case of accidently hitting it when the controller is on our lap or simply on a table. I only experienced these accidents a few times. I have nothing against it but because of it's analog pressure feature and it's shape, I think it's suited for racing games. Simulating the feel of the accelerator and the brake.

For shooters? I think not. The only game that I used the L2 and R2 for shooting is Red Dead Redemption and I'm used to it now (but thank you RockStar for letting us switch the button map). When I play shooters, I need to feel a click. With Red Dead Redemption and the R2, all I needed to do was tap. Didn't feel very much like a gun and the R2 acting like a trigger, I sometimes I had to press R2 all the way and the resistance of the pressure feature didn't feel very good in that situation. It didn't feel fast for the sharp shooter in the west.

Sometimes I wonder what would've happened it they used the Boomerang design instead. That would've been a ride full of weird. As for the future, PlayStation 4 (not anytime soon, please), I hope they keep this design or tweak it a bit.

The PlayStation controller has held it's own since Sony released it's first console. It is a truly wonderful and iconic controller, with it's shape and design and becoming a "second" logo for the PlayStation consoles. I would like to dub this the origin and norm for all future controllers.

It may have it's faults. It's design may be flawed. It may not fill my palms the way I'd like it to but I love this controller. May it never change.

Happy Birthday, PlayStation.

Starting from the Bottom (An End of August Update)

Well, I'm finally in a college. Not where I wanted to be, though. Learning courses that I'm actually quite knowledgeable in, so the first few days is like a breeze. Anways, equal-bullet points.

= Like I said: I'm in a college... yay. I was hoping to be in New Jersey by January but Life doesn't work the way you like it to work. Not the emo-teenager definition of Life. Real Life: meaning sacrifices, Better Judgement. Practically the meaning of Adulthood. The place is alright, it's high tech but I'm a foreigner in Hong Kong and it doesn't help if their preferred medium of teaching is Chinese! Which I don't understand, if you thought I was Chinese just because I live in Hong Kong... Geez! Visit this place, it's awesome. It's very international and the girls are pretty goooood (the international ones. the local ones are hard to talk to).

= I finally have Maya! I can't wait to start. Heard it has a steep learning curve which everybody keeps telling me about. It seems that I'll get frustrated if I don't have somebody to teach me. Hey! If I'm in a college where it's hard to be in, I'm sure i can manage Maya.

= Games? Er... Just waiting for Gran Turismo 5 and Mass Effect 2. I had to be very careful how to spend my money as I don't have a job anymore, so those two games first. It's a "Plus" that they're quite far a way from now.

= It's was my sister's birthday in August!!! Happy Birthday!

= Regarding my title: "Starting From The Bottom", that's where we all start (unless we're lucky or we inherit something). Attending this college is a bit of a downfall for me. It wasn't my first choice but hey... that's Life. And what a great life it will be.

= As you can see I am at Level 24 and 73% of the way through. And its rank is "I Feel Asleep!!". This has got to be my favourite rank ever! If you don't know, "I Feel Asleep!!" is a reference to the translation mistakes of the western port of Metal Gear from the Japanese version. I wish I never level up from this rank but then again, "Moving On" is the main concept of Life. I should've named this blog title "Life". Nah...

My Favourite Rank

So happy I screen shot it at 50%. Perfectly in the Middle.

That's all! Thanks for Reading

Edit: Re-cetred the image. I will be having a feature blog soon. Quite long and has images, so it'll take quite a while to fix the kinks. Ugh... the underlining.

All Time Greatest Game Villain - Pick Wisely, Please.

This is just my view but I am a bit disappointed with the results so far for the Greatest Villain. Not because my bracket is becoming messed up and already lost 10 points but because voters seem to be choosing the "wrong" villain.

I know there is no wrong or right choice because of democracy... but there is a smart choice. We are in a game site where gamers are in a tribal mentality, the most popular is of course defending your console (a.k.a. fanboyism). With this competition starting, there are now characters coming from exclusive consoles. Maybe if your exclusive console character wins, your console wins in a way or you have to vote for your childhood villain, the villain you grew up with. Most notably the infamous case of Darth Vader and Revolver Ocelot vs Team Rocket.

I am dismayed that Darth Vader is in this contest. He's already a great villain and can do without this contest. He and the Joker are far beyond this contest. They don't need this. We need to remember this is about games. Unfortunately it will be hard to put aside our knowledge of Darth Vader and Joker outside the game universe. They have done so much. Especially The Joker.

"I love democracy," I love Star Wars. I was conflicted with my love for Star Wars and the knowledge and experience of how great a villain GLaDOS is but of course, I voted for the smart choice (GLaDOS).

I am heartbroken that Revolver Ocelot has been beaten by Team Rocket. Just speechless.

Comment on Revolver Ocelot

I think the best way of comparison between villains is NOT putting the characters head to head in an arena and punch it out but looking at their paper trail. What they have done in their game and how it ranks up compared to their opponent.

Please make the right choice people. As we all know this may just be a popularity contest filled with hardcore fanboys out there. But let's hope that the few of us out there are the ones that see true villainy IN their video games and can make that small difference. It may not be the Villain we want to win in the end but it is the character that has done justice and deserves to be called the Greatest Villain ever.

"It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!" - Palpatine

Maybe we need emergency powers and put this voting straight before something goes very wrong. So far some of the great villains are still in the run but time will tell. Let's see where this voting will go.

My Sith TItle Found (An End Of July Update)

Hello All. Another "end update" that is off schedule but this time it's earlier than the 7th. Reason for this is that I am taking a two week vacation with my family and is unsure if I will be connected to the internet but that is why they call it a vacation, distraction from an everyday life. Yet, it would be nice to be connected to world comfortably once in a while. It has been a non-eventful month but let the equal signs do most of the "talking".

= No new games. I seem to be short on cash

= Rejected from another university but fear not, I am hopeful the others will accept me.

= Getting back into my Comic-book and novel habits again. I miss reading, especially Star War novels. I am very excited to buy the last installment in the Star Wars: Republic Commando series; Order 66 and also at the same time to start a new series in the Halo Universe (more on that soon). Also all this book buying may stray my "funds" away from new games. A sacrifice that I will need to take at the moment. Uncharted 2 can wait a little bit longer.

= I found out that drawing is not like "riding a bicycle" to me and I will have to practice again. Will be putting one of my sketches up someday.

= I was hoping to put two feature editorials before my vacation. Should've "worked" a little bit harder instead of watching LongPlays.

That's all my updates. And now! Doing a little reading (Star Wars Wikia) about the Sith Lords and their titles, they usually have a meaning behind their name and characteristics (duh... everyone should knowthat. Well, the Core folk should).

Vader is Dutch for father, we should all know that (yes, you should). Yet during the release of the original trilogy and the first two episodes (IV & V) it was hardly suspected that Vader was even a father. The Empire was loosely based on the Nazi Party. And Hitler being calledFührer/Der Füehrer. Vader... Father. Discussions later, this is just to help my point... which is nothing really.

Since the rule of two was quite popular, and hardly anyone knows about the rule of one, I'm sticking with the Rule of Two.

"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it."

The apprentice most likely to "crave it" means there will always be deception between the two. The master needing a new apprentice, the apprentice wanting to be the one that embodies power.

Now in Star Wars, but sadly in the Star Wars Fan Fiction Universe, I shall known as Darth Varati. *Rock Version of the Imperial March playing in the background*

Varati meaning deceive or cheat in Croatian and I could make some history there because of the Croatian War of Independence. A great fitting for a story. Thanks for the read and see you all soon.

A Red Dead Redemption Button "Inconvenience"

Now quite a while ago I posted on the Red Dead Redemption Union that I had a problem with the X and O (circle) buttons. I have a feeling RockStar hasn't taken account (or has neglected) the Asian and Japanese version of the PlayStation 3. As you should know, O is the enter function of the Asian and Japanese version of the PlayStation 3. The problem is that the function of O has been merged with the function of the X button. So when the X button is pressed, I can quit and enter at the same time. The problem is only, so far, within mini-games.

I have made two videos to see what I am writing about. Hope you can take some time to watch them.


( 00:17 ) - Already at the beginning there is a representation problem. X for single player?

( 01:24 ) - Shout out to @Tarixon as he is "now offline".

( 02:11 ) - Another representation problem. O has no function. All other buttons (except for the X) are working properly.

( 02:45 ) - I did not press O

( 02:52 ) - After pressing X, it has brought me to the "Quit Screen". After pressing X to "No" and quit the "Quit" screen, I am brought back to the table and at the same time entered/"Raised" the pot.

( 03:08 ) - This is how I've been playing Poker and other mini-games (except for Arm Wrestling, which will be seen soon). I have double tapped the X button to quickly skip the "Quit" screen.

( 03:22 ) - And look at that. I won! I wasn't really paying attention.

( 03:26 ) - Yes... I dropped the controller.

( 03:38 ) - O works again in the "Quit" screen.

This next video is where I was very upset with RockStar. This is where I thought this would block me to my goal of 100% completion. So far, the X button is my problem and remember that the X button brings me to the "Quit" screen as well as entering the "Yes" function in the mini-game at the same time!


( 00:50 ) - WHAT?! I can't see what's happening!!! And I lost.

( 01:53 ) - Sorry for the delay. Be right back.

( 02:56 ) - I just feel so frustrated just looking at this again.

( 03:34 ) - Round Two... Actually it's Attempt Two.

( 04:42 ) - Mmmm! Ungh! Ahhh! it's annoying!

( 05:38 ) - Just in case you didn't know what happened. What happened was that I just won!

( 06:28 ) - You have just witnessed me winning a very frustrating problem! As you can tell this is the first time that I have won Arm Wrestling and have acquired a scrap for the uniform!

And that's that. Apart from the mini-games and a few button misrepresentation there's nothing wrong with the game (some screen tearing, visual popping). This is only affecting a few of those that have an Asian/Japanese PlayStation 3. Not a "few", A Lot. This is affecting a lot of people. I have read comments on the RockStar website that there have been others with this problem. I don't know how many but this is a very big and annoying problem.

Will "we" get a patch that will correct this? Discussing this with my friend, he said that because we are such a minority with this problem it will be a long time till we get a patch or not at all.

So far, throughout the game it hasn't been a real menace. I got through Poker, Liar Dice, Black Jack and etc. using the double tap method to skip the "Quit" screen quickly but Arm Wrestling; I will not play again until fixed because you have just seen what I had to go through.

In a recent watch of random comments on the RockStar/Red Dead Redemption site (because RockStar hasn't made an official blog about this problem and the members and users have been commenting this problem on almost every new blog to make their problem heard, which worked!) I have seen this:

July 26 2010 - "Thanks, a fix for this is coming very soon, it's included in the next title update". ( http://bit.ly/90DKO5 )

So, yay! I cannot wait for the next update. Thank you, RockStar. Now fix the servers so I can play with other people on public and I can connect easily to my friends. Thanks for reading!

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