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mikey1611 Blog

Anybody feel like there's a Gaming Drought? (An End of June Update)

I was suppose to write this blog five days ago on the 7th and it's the 12th today. Hmmm.... What are the odds? Sorry, there's something about this day. Anyways!

= Not much, really. It's summer and it's pretty hot. So, I usually play at night when it's a bit cooler. So there's no glare and the PS3 won't heat up as much. I'm sure the surrounding temperature as an effect. During the day, great to go exercising, swimming and tanning. Yes, I said tanning. When I looked in the mirror, I feel that I'm as pale as a vampire and even wondering why my reflection shows. I need to get out more, well more often.

= E3 has finished. A long while ago but I haven't said anything about it and it was really awesome! Disappointed with Microsoft's Press Conference. Heavily relied on Kinect. More about that on a later blog.

= Now this is what I've been feeling lately. Has anybody else felt like there's no new games to buy?

(I still have to buy Uncharted 2 and Battlefield Bad Company 2, top priorities and I shouldn't really get distracted by other up coming games again, I must stick to my list!)

Likes there's nothing for me to feel excited for the next upcoming months. After E3 with the announcement of the new games, I feel like all the games I want are in Holiday 2010 or next year! What happened to now and in-between?! I should check my wish list and the corresponding dates just to be sure. Anyways, have a great July!

Boston Celtics

We lost =(

Great 3-pointer from Rondo and good try for keeping the ball in.

Heart broken. This is worse than my worst breakup.

=( I was hoping to buy NBA 2K11 as Boston enters the new season as champions. At least Jordan on the cover is good enough.

End of May Update

Hello, all! Sorta coming back to gamespot, just gonna ease my way in. Been a very eventful May and a very sad month as well. Anyways, equal sign sum ups.

= Bought Red Dead Redemption. Legendary Story. I would like to play it again but there is still a lot of trophies I need to get and I am not restarting the whole thing yet. I am not going to kill one of every animal again! and that damn cougar knife kill challenge. Ugh... The online is alright but it feels frustrating. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the huge posse coming after you the moment you spawn into free roam. Or the online isn't complete, it feels like no one is playing RDR!!!

= Thinking of selling my Assassin's Creed 2 or trading it for Uncharted 2. I see no point of keeping ACII now after plantinumizing it and... well, there is no "and", only reason to keep it is for a collection of PS3 games. The story is awesome, a great huge change from AC1 but that's pretty much it. The new Assassin's Creed, whether it is the Brotherhood or 3, I'm sure it's going to be great. Roaming around Italy isn't has fun as Sandbox games by RockStar. Can't replay missions and that. I feel like a Master Assassin with no purpose in live anymore

But I don't think I'm gonna trade it. Maybe lower the price of Uncharted 2 by selling Battlefield: Bad Company 1.

= Been taking a gap year and this year is hopefully the end of it! It's been fun but it's been really, reeeeaaaaally slow. So hopefully I get accepted to the places I applied for!

That's almost, pretty much it. Danke.

End Of March Update & A Short Leave

Well hello! Haven't been here for awhile and I'll explain why later, when I do my equal-sign bullet points. So let's start!

= Just moved to a new apartment! slightly smaller but still stylish as my family doesn't have that much stuff and still made it almost look like a page out of an IKEA booklet.

= Haven't been on here for awhile because when I was moving apartments on March, the internet doesn't move straight away to the new house. Plus my Internet Providers were complete a**h***'s. They kept lying and delaying, my dad and I go so annoyed, so switched to a new Internet Provider.

= Got a new TV! and it's an Philips HD LCD!!! my second LCD TV but my first HD TV! Everything looks more real-er than usual (great grammar, you know it is) and gives me a reason to replay all my games to see them in HD.

= Last of all, I will be taking a semi-leave from GameSpot and all other game sites for awhile (maybe not Kotaku & JoyStiq or the news sections of all game sites... okay just to sum up, I'm not going to stop reading the news section from any game site). Reason for this, I realized and was afraid that I might "live by the joystick & die by the joystick".

I realized this when I was talking to a girl in club and couldn't find an opening statement and almost said,(okay I really said it, not almost said it, really said it),"It's dangerous to go alone, take this!" and thrust out.... my hand (dirty minds, guys...). Then I replayed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Assassin's Creed II in my head to find anything cool, funny or smooth enough. Complete kamikaze fail. That blow to my HP also lowered my EXP... Laaaamme!

So really, I won't really be contributing to the unions and writing comments for a long while till I know what I got to do... with life? Still be playing games and my next two games to get are Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and that will be it for a while! Good things about those games is that their multi can keep me occupied.

And I think that is all. Oh! I was just started out writing these feature blogs (lonewolf & etc, Trailers...) and it was really fun doing those. I'm gonna miss it. But I already know what my next feature blog would be about and would write it as soon as I get back.

I'll see you guys around! (on PSN & on here!)

Trailers - How I'm An All-Day-Lollipop For Them

Trailers... Sometimes they're epic and sometimes they're epic lies. But they are snippet of videos that WILL pull you in no matter what.

What are trailers? Well, they are adverts for future games (in this case). Short clips put together with music (or none), the game's title (usually flashed in the end), developer, publisher and release date. Sometimes called previews, but I see previews as videos with an narrator outlining the story and brief explanation of the features and a "more to come": It's more of the their Pre-Opinion-View.

There are different types of trailers out there and hopefully I get to touch on the ones we see the most (or the ones I see and like the most).

There are:

1. Cinematic Trailers

2. Mixes (I forgot how to define these but you'll see)

3. Teasers

4. TV Spots

and one more type, which I don't really consider them trailers. You might disagree with me of the types of genres and also where I put each trailer under each genre. I'll just say "meh... Close enough".

Now, like I said in the title that I'm an "All-Day-Lollipop" for trailers. (I wasn't allowed to use the word:S*cker). I may end up buying the game just because of those trailers and forget about the reviews. Meaning that I've been hyped up on ads alone. I really wanted to embed all the trailers in this entry and much more because they are that good! But I have to make this reader friendly and unfortunately pick five... or six... or seven. Okay, seven embedded videos in this entry and the rest are links.

The art of making a trailer is amazing because it wows you in such a limited time.

What makes a trailer an eye-magnet:

1. The Opening Sound - Think of it as an entrance. It will make you turn your head and capture you, this part pulls you in.

2. The Music & the music that's not in the game or hard to find the title of - At lease one of the trailers you've seen, you've commented "what's the name of the song?!". The music chosen fits well with the situation of the trailer. It gives atmosphere to the audience - Hardcore soldier, a lovable relationship or an epic battle.

3. Mute/Silence - gives the illusion that it's really loud, like supersonic loud! Also another technique for atmosphere, being secretive and stealthy. A tense scene, no music but with loud physical sounds.

4. The Cuts - just a bunch of video clips, cut so short and played so quickly that it's intense, fast-paced and there's too much too take in.

5. Motion Graphic Slide Show - Assassin's Creed II Slide Show

6. Voice Overs - I find these great. A narrator explains their thoughts or past experience throughout the video, the video on it's own might not mean anything to you, it'd be a big really vague.

7. The Story itself shown in the video - the creators of the trailer will make the story unclear (of course to not ruin the story), maybe cut some scenes together where one person says something and the next scene maybe hours away and it somehow answers the initial scene. The story is the most important! it's what a trailer is mostly there about! sometimes they will make stories up but you can't just go on gameplay alone! I know I can't (but some of you might, then I suggest you need to read more books and see how exciting to be apart of a story is) But you will get the basic outline, more or less... I think.

Try to apply the 7 Eye-magnet techniques to the following videos. I'll step in and write my own but... Do it yourself! this entry is already long and I got problems with underlining stuff (because it won't let me). I'm just here to open your eyes a bit more.

Now let's start with Theatrical trailers, or mostly known as Cinematic Trailers

Assassin's Creed II


There are cinematic trailers. They are CGI created and do not use the in-game engine. They do not show demonstrations of gameplay. They are just lovely eye-candy and give a cinema feel. Most importantly, if you watch them/analyze them closely you can see features of gameplay.

Assassin's Creed II - Shows a day/night cycle, disarming enemies, low profile hiding in any crowd, a gun, a ring finger and my favourite, A Badas* smile.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - The different types of characters that can be played in the new MMO, Bounty hunters, Siths, Jedis, etc but also, apparently, a space battle. Of course, the space battle is just speculation.

Why I love these two trailers is that they can become movies. The Old Republic is an example of an voice over. Feel the History in his vengeful voice? And how can you NOT activate your own lightsaber with Duel of Fates in the background?


The Last Guardian


Now, there has been a lot complaints against Final Fantasy XIII's music choice. It fits PERFECTLY!!! Not a heavy metal or rock music playing with this romantic, heart-wrenching, soul-finding game. Note: I have not played this game yet but the music does FIT.

These mixes are trailers with cutscenes and have some gameplay with it. Both titles above are tearjerking.

Final Fantasy XIII, with its graphically intoxicating visual stimuli and the most realistic hair I've seen (on a console), um... (wonderfully descriptive adjective here) story and the addition of My Hands by Leona Lewis, the International Trailer was very uplifting and triumphant mostly towards the end. My favourite part was when they jumped off that flying this to the intense battle (where there are a lot of "Cuts") to Lightning being tossed and shooting the Final Fantasy XIII logo which fades in with a magical "Shwwing".

The Last Guardian is a mix! At first I wanted to put it in the Cinematic Trailer genre but the graphics used seem to be in-game and also it shows a demonstration of gameplay. It's fast-paced, the slow, then slow but intense and finally slow and calming. You can feel how deep the relationship between the tribal boy and the baby-dog-cat-deer thing. The Last scene with the calming music, seems like a happy ending. That's optimistic thinking but we all know that most likely one of them will die. Also, who's the last guardian? the jade statues? the duo? or just the baby-dog-etc? or just the boy?

These next few are great examples of voice overs (Well I think they're great)



What can I say? The MW2: Infamy trailer was hitting you where you want to fight for your country. That music sounds like war drums in the distance (or a war piano), leading you to battle. The voice over is quiet, threatening and warning at the same time, talking to you like you're in middle of battle and the enemy may be near.

Uncharted 2, he wants to give up in the moment where he's bleeding, cold and about to die. Then there are these other scenes of past memory, it's eventful, it's exciting when he discovered something, there's somebody he cares for. Near the end, a comment ironic to his face expression and with that, he or I think he realizes that every painful dislocated shoulder and blistered fingers from hanging on to ledges and his epic adventure was worth it... Nate's smiling at you because you're along for the journey.



Showing hardly nothing but something for you to take away and think about. So hot...teasing me.

TV Spots

You got to love TV Spots. Mostly under a minute or 3. I have no TV Spots about video games showing on where I live, so I like these. The music is simple and action packed, there to keep you seated down and "don't touch that remote", prevents you from leaving for the toilet.


The rock and roll in Battlefield Bad Company 2 with review scores flying this way and that, they're selling it to you with trusted reviewers (why isn't GameSpot there? maybe GameSpot needs a magazine, I'd so get one). Also the use of slow motion gives a suspenseful moment, "am I going to make it through this road right after the missile hits the ground?!"


Uncharted: Drake's Tv Spot, fast paced then slow paced then a large amount of Cuts (which means fast paced). The use of the pauses with a caption gives a few more insights into the character and story. That's pretty much it.


The music in MW2 was We-Will-Rock-You type and they rocked me indeed. It's that constant beat that builds tension then explodes with a badas* boom. The music excellently synced with the cuts, defining each moment into a beat.

Most of these trailers made me save up money for them or putting them on my wish list, even right now looking at MW2 trailers again make me want to get them (I'm apart of Bad Company and I like squads: shout out to my previous blog! but I might consider getting MW2 if the prices goes down!). Now there are some trailers that over hype, complete lies...

All of these trailers might as well be my Top favourites so far. I just download them and convert them to be uploaded into my iPod to watch them whenever. Trailers are almost better than the movie/game because they brought up the hype, that motivational feeling to keep playing them.

A bonus video, because I love this one. Kevin Butler is a Legend, also check out his new one about the PlayStation Move!


What do you consider trailers as? Just ads? Some clips of gameplay? Just an update of a game? An Announcement of a new title? Favourite trailers? Link me up!

End Of February Update

Hello all. This is my end of month update and will be doing these updates... well at the end of the months.

So to start off, I had to do something very important for my future so I will be spending less time on unions but will visit GameSpot for news, updates and of course... TOOODAAAAY oooon the SPot! Will pop in and out in unions though.

= Turned 19 on the 16th, sorry I did not get to say it out loud for greetings but thank you. haha.

= Finished Assassin's Creed II with Platinum, which I found unusually easy to obtain. The story was mind-blowing and (spoiler) felt sorry for the character in the end because he had no idea what was happening. haha.

= Obtained Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, unfortunately I will hardly get to play with.

= No more first-day-buy quota points =S So, can't buy God of War 3, Final Fantasy XIII or Battlefield Bad Company 2. Oh wells.

= Next blog will be about Cinematic Trailers.

Have a good Mad March!

Edit: Also, has anybody been having problems when editing your Tracked/Wish/Owned game lists? Seems when I want to delete or move/copy a game to another list it brings me to a blank screen. And thank you all! =)

Edit: Finally! thank you GameSpot for fixing it, (if there was a problem, but I know it wasn't my browsers and etc.).

LoneWolf or Brotherhood

Are you a Solid Snake? or Are you RC Delta Squad?

Waking up from a crash in enemy territory. Slowly making your way to a small town. In the distance, you can see two soldiers from the opposing side on their usual patrol. You realize you only have a pistol and a motion sensor. You wonder if you should shoot or throw a motion sensor and see how many more Reds are in the area. A thought comes to mind... I wish my squad was with me. You press L1. Pistol aimed. (R1) Bang!

If you recognize this situation from a game, then awesome! When I was in this situation, I panicked and thought I'm nothing without my squad. Well, this game wasn't fully designed like that but I was happy that they promoted teamwork.

When I plan to buy and play shooters, I a) check if it has multiplayer b) read GameSpot reviews and c) check the single player campaign, if I'm alone or I got company throughout the story.

Fixer's Got Our Six

Fixer's got our Six

Star Wars Republic Commando and Battlefield Bad Company are games that I've played that features Squads. Republic Commando with their excellent HUD and Squad-Order System plus (with Bravo One Charlie, B-Company) you got lovable companions.

When you play with squad-oriented players, they'll be able to watch your six. You get early warnings, by your teammate sighting a enemy solider and making a red dot appear above their head. Concentrate your fire, you got double the fire power at one target. But for me, that includes this whole package is the sense of camaraderie. Being Brothers in Arms, holding a position together till the end. There is one downfall: from all the momentum of being together, you end up in a mission where you're alone. It's not that bad, just lonely. Also, online? there are people who don't think like "me".


Thank Goodness for the Soliton Radar and the Third Person View

Metal Gear Solid, BioShock and Medal Of Honor (series). These games are the lone-wolves to me. Even when you think you're part of the army, you still feel alone. The only (almost) sane person in an underwater city with super powers...well you are alone in the creepiest atmosphere plus you got super powers (and guns).

As a lone-wolf you feel self-sufficient, an unstoppable war machine, a wholesome warrior. This whole lone-wolf thing can be summed up as the greatest hero, Solid Snake ("I'm not a hero") or John McClane from Die Hard ("wrong place at the wrong time"). Then again, being a loner... life gets lonely.

I work alone and is alone some (to most) of my time. So, I prefer a Squad life because I yearn for that small elite fellowship. A tight bond. But I don't mind being a Solid Snake. So what are you? and what do you prefer? A lone-wolf or a Squad?

New Banner! for the first time ever!

Not really finished, just got excited and it actually took quite a while and it's not how it looked like on Photoshop. Gradient thing is too light, more of black towards Nathan Drake instead of gray.

So, it's Solid Snake and Nathan Drake (comic-style from Eye of Indra drawings)

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